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minelayers of WWII



Compl. // Comm.


Tonnage, BRT or Disp., t

Dimensions, m

Speed, kts

Engine, Power hp



С. Орджоникидзе [S. Ordzhonikize] (ex-Амур [Amur]), 10.1940- Аргунь [Argun] 1923 // 2.1937 UK 5400 97.0x13.7x5.5 11 1VTE, 2boilers, 1550 4 - 130/53, 3 - 76/28, 4 - 37, 370 - 530 mines auxiliary 1950s
Астрахань [Astrakhan] 1913 // 6.1934   3725 91.1x12.3x5.2 9.8 1VTE, 2boilers, 1150 2 - 102/60, 2 - 76/28, 1 - 45, 550 - 820 mines stricken 1960
Аян [Ayan] 1935 // 8.1939 Odessa 1975 74.0x10.4x3.3 9 2diesels, 750 1 - 76/28, 2 - 45, 200 mines auxiliary 1950s
Ставрополь [Stavropol], 6.1935- Ворошиловск [Voroshilovsk] (ex-Котик [Kotik]) 1907 // 5.1932   2300 63.5x10.0x4.6 10.5 1VTE, 2boilers, 750 4 - 76/28, 268 mines internal explosion 9.8.1950
Гижига [Gizhiga] 1937 // 11.1939 Odessa 1600 74.1x10.4x3.3 9 2diesels, 750 1 - 76/28, 2 - 45, 138 mines auxiliary 1950s
Эривань [Erivan], 4.1935- Сергей Киров [Sergey Kirov] 1912 // 8.1932   4690 87.2x12.2x5.1 9 1VTE, 2boilers, 1200 2 - 102/60, 2 - 75/48, 1 - 37, 500 mines transport 2.1937
Теодор Нетте [Teodor Nette] (ex-Soria) 1912 // 6.1934   3765 91.1x12.3x4.8 9 1VTE, 2boilers, 1200 1 - 102/60, 2 - 76/28, 1 - 45, 200 mines depot ship 4.1939, minelayer 7.1941, transport 10.1945
Томск [Tomsk] (ex-Главком Уборевич [Glavkom Uborevich]) 1913 // 1933   4466 92.0x12.3x5.2 9 1VTE, 2boilers, 1200 9 - 45, 420 mines depot ship 4.1945
Яна [Yana] 1923 // 1934   2273 96.8x11.6x4.5 10 1600   transport 6.1939
Урал [Ural] (ex-Феликс Дзержинский [Felix Dzerzhinskiy]) 1929 // 10.1940 190 Yd, Leningrad 5560 104.0x14.6x6.0 12.5 1diesel, 2100 4 - 76/52, 4 - 12.7, 328 mines depot ship 1942
Канин [Kanin] (ex-Пролетарий [Proletariy]) 1898 // 8.1941   1163 60.0x8.5x5.4 10 550 1 - 76/28, 1 - 20 transport 8.1942
Пушкин [Pushkin] 1929 // 12.1939   5320 91.3x13.2x2.8 8.2 950 2 - 100/54, 2 - 45, mines returned 11.1940
Сосновец [Sosnovets] (ex-Север [Sever]) 1895 // 8.1941   1335 62.8x8.5x5.8 10 850 2 - 102/60, 1 - 76/28, mines transport 8.1942
Юшар [Yushar] (ex-Колгуев [Kolguev]) 1915 // 8.1941   2020 75.5x10.7x3.9 11 1VTE, 2boilers, 848 1 - 76/52, 3 - 45, 125 mines transport 10.1945
Островский [Ostrovskiy] (ex-Н. А. Островский [N. A. Jstrovskiy]) 1931 // 7.1940 201 Yd, Sevastopol 2625 79.9x12.0x3.9 12.5 2diesels, 1052 2 - 76/52, 4 - 45, mines sunk 23.3.1942
Сызрань [Syzran] 1936 // 7.1940   2810 76.0x10.8x5.2 6.5 700 2 - 76/52, 4 - 45, 2 - 12.7, 253 mines sunk 29.7.1941

100 - 1000 t displacement/ BRT tonnage vessels

Заря [Zarya] (1929, 354, 10 mines, 7.1941 - 5.3.1943); Лукомский [Lukomskiy] (ex-Пётр Лукомский [Pyotr Lukomskiy]) (1929, 354, 10 mines, 7.1941 - 1.1945); Дооб [Doob] (1926, 150, 7.1941 - 11.2.1942); Ристна [Ristna] (ex-Ristna, ex-№18 [No18], ex-Апостол Пётр [Apostol Pyotr]) (1906, 600, 175 mines, 5.1915 - ?.4.1918, 8.1940 - 11.1941); Суроп [Surop] (ex-Surop, ex-№19 [No19], ex-Апостол Павел [Apostol Pavel] (1906, 600, 175 mines, 5.1915 - .4.1918, 8.1940 - 11.8.1941); Колхозник [Kolkhoznik] (1931, 210, 2 - 76/30, 60 mines, 6.1932 - 22.9.1941); Пина [Pina] (ex-Matwa) (, 140, 172 mines, 7.1940 - 26.8.1941)

Standard scale images

<i>Argun</i> 1945
Argun 1945
<i>Ristna</i> 1941 more than 1000 BRT
Ristna 1941 more than 1000 BRT

Project history

Merchant vessels converted to minelayers.



Naval service

Stavropol was commissioned at first time in 4.1923 - 7.1923 as AMC, serving as Voroshilovsk was lost 9.8.1950 in Novik Bay as result of explosion at mines unloading. Ostrovskiy 23.3.1942 was sunk by German aircraft at Tuapse. Syzran was lost 29.7.1941, later salvaged but never commissioned again.