Name | No | Yard No | Builder | Laid down | Launched | Comp | Fate | Modification |
Mandate | HA8m G02, H9A | Fairfield, Govan | 1914 | 27.4.1915 | 8.1915 | BU 9.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Mons | H2A, G11, G10, G1A, H89 | John Brown, Clydebank | 9.1914 | 1.5.1915 | 7.1915 | sold 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Marmion | HC2, G04 | Swan Hunter, Wallsend | 1914 | 28.5.1915 | 9.1915 | collision 21.10.1917 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Marne | HA6, G05, HA0 | John Brown, Clydebank | 9.1914 | 29.5.1915 | 8.1915 | BU 9.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Manners | HA9, G03, HC1 | Fairfield, Govan | 1914 | 15.6.1915 | 9.1915 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Mystic (ex-Myrtle) | H2C, G16, G3A | Denny, Dumbarton | 10.1914 | 26.6.1915 | 11.1915 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Martial | HC3, G06, F77 | Swan Hunter, Wallsend | 10.1914 | 1.7.1915 | 10.1915 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Maenad | HA7, G26, G27, GA8 | Denny, Dumbarton | 11.1914 | 10.8.1915 | 11.1915 | BU 9.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Magic (ex-Marigold) | GC0, G01, G0A | White, Cowes | 1.1915 | 10.9.1915 | 1.1916 | BU 9.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Mary Rose | HC4, G29 | Swan Hunter, Wallsend | 1914 | 8.10.1915 | 3.1916 | sunk 17.10.1917 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Menace | H7C, G28, G30, G6A | Swan Hunter, Wallsend | 9.1914 | 9.11.1915 | 4.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Moresby (ex-Marlion) | HC1, F02, H27 | White, Cowes | 1.1915 | 20.11.1915 | 4.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 1st order (9/1914) | |
Michael | HC5, G07, HA1 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 9.1914 | 19.5.1915 | 8.1915 | BU 9.1921 | Thornycroft specials | |
Milbrook | HC6, G08, HA2 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 11.1914 | 12.7.1915 | 10.1915 | BU 9.1921 | Thornycroft specials | |
Minion | HC7, G09, G14, H82 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 11.1914 | 11.9.1915 | 11.1915 | BU 11.1921 | Thornycroft specials | |
Munster (ex-Monitor) | H8C, G33, G7A | Thornycroft, Woolston | 11.1914 | 24.11.1915 | 1.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Thornycroft specials | |
Nepean | G18, F03, H44 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 2.1915 | 22.1.1916 | 3.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Thornycroft specials | |
Nereus | G19, F12, F33, H21, H37 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 3.1915 | 24.2.1916 | 5.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Thornycroft specials | |
Patriot (RCN 1920) | G56, G63 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 7.1915 | 20.4.1916 | 6/1916 | BU 1929 | Thornycroft specials | |
Patrician (RCN 1920) | G48, F23, F15, GA1 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 6/1915 | 5.6.1916 | 7/1916 | BU 1929 | Thornycroft specials | |
Rapid | G63, G78, G83 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 8.1915 | 15.7.1916 | 8/1916 | BU 4.1927 | Thornycroft specials | |
Ready | G71, G87, G84 | Thornycroft, Woolston | 9.1915 | 26.8.1916 | 10/1916 | BU 7.1926 | Thornycroft specials | |
Moon | HC8, G12, G11, F69 | Yarrow, Scotstoun | 9.1914 | 23.4.1915 | 6.1915 | BU 5.1921 | Yarrow specials | |
Morning Star | HC9, G13, G12, G18, H48 | Yarrow, Scotstoun | 9.1914 | 26.6.1915 | 8.1915 | sold 12.1921 | Yarrow specials | |
Mounsey | H0C, G14, HC0, G1A | Yarrow, Scotstoun | 9.1914 | 11.9.1915 | 11.1915 | BU 11.1921 | Yarrow specials | |
Musketeer | H1C, G15, G19, H42 | Yarrow, Scotstoun | 9.1914 | 12.11.1915 | 12.1915 | BU 11.1921 | Yarrow specials | |
Relentless | G57, G69 | Yarrow, Scotstoun | 1915 | 15.4.1916 | 5/1916 | BU 11.1926 | Yarrow specials | |
Rival | G62, F24, F20, H40 | Yarrow, Scotstoun | 5/1915 | 14.6.1916 | 9/1916 | BU 7.1926 | Yarrow specials | |
Mameluke | G11, G27, G26, G02 | John Brown, Clydebank | 12.1914 | 14.8.1915 | 10.1915 | BU 9.1921 | Admiralty design, 2nd order (early 11.1914) | |
Mindful | G04, G31, H91 | Fairfield, Govan | 1914 | 24.8.1915 | 11.1915 | BU 9.1921 | Admiralty design, 2nd order (early 11.1914) | |
Nessus | G00, G37, G36, G5A | Swan Hunter, Wallsend | 1914 | 24.8.1915 | 11.1915 | collision 8.9.1918 | Admiralty design, 2nd order (early 11.1914) | |
Marvel | G20, G23, GA3 | Denny, Dumbarton | 1.1915 | 7.10.1915 | 12.1915 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 2nd order (early 11.1914) | |
Mischief | G10, G32, GA4 | Fairfield, Govan | 1914 | 12.10.1915 | 12.1915 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 2nd order (early 11.1914) | |
Nonsuch (ex-Narcissus) | G12, G39, G38, GA5 | Palmers, Jarrow | 1914 | 8.12.1915 | 2.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 2nd order (early 11.1914) | |
Negro | G13 | Palmers, Jarrow | 1914 | 8.3.1916 | 6.1916 | collision 21.12.1916 | Admiralty design, 2nd order (early 11.1914) | |
Nerissa | G35, F04, F05, H09 | Yarrow, Scotstoun | 11.1914 | 9.2.1916 | 3.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Yarrow special | |
Opal | G02, G42, G41 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 11.9.1915 | 4.1916 | wrecked 21.1.1918 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Ossory | G23, G17, HA5 | John Brown, Clydebank | 12.1914 | 9.10.1915 | 11.1915 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Nestor | G30 | Swan Hunter, Wallsend | 1915 | 9.10.1915 | 4.1916 | sunk 31.5.1916 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Ophelia | G03, G57, G58, GA9 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 13.10.1915 | 5.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Obedient | G25, G40, G39, H88 | Scotts, Greenock | 1915 | 6.11.1915 | 2.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Opportune | G05, G58, G59 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 20.11.1915 | 6/1916 | BU 12.1923 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Noble (ex-Nisus) | G09, G38, G37, G9A | A. Stephens, Linthouse | 2.1915 | 25.11.1915 | 2.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Onslaught | G22, G41, G40, G8A | Fairfield, Govan | 1915 | 4.12.1915 | 3.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Oracle | G27, F08, D46 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 23.12.1915 | 8.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Obdurate | G26, F06, F07, H50 | Scotts, Greenock | 1915 | 21.1.1916 | 3.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Nomad | G31 | A. Stephens, Linthouse | 1915 | 7.2.1916 | 4.1916 | sunk 31.5.1916 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Onslow | G29, F09, F34, H24 | Fairfield, Govan | 1915 | 15.2.1916 | 4.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Norman | G14, G54, G55, H0A | Palmers, Jarrow | 1915 | 20.3.1916 | 8.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Orestes | G33, G61, G60, D56 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 21.3.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Nizam | G28, G52, G53, HC6 | A. Stephens, Linthouse | 2.1915 | 6.4.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Orford | G38, G59, G61, D70 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 19.4.1916 | 12.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Nonpareil | G37, G53, G54, D0A | A. Stephens, Linthouse | 2.1915 | 16.5.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Orpheus | G43, F17, F35, H28, GA9 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 17.6.1916 | 9.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Octavia (ex-Oryx) | G51, F07, F09, G71 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 21.6.1916 | 11.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Northesk | G15, G83, H21 | Palmers, Jarrow | 1915 | 5.7.1916 | 10.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
North Star | G16, F45, F53 | Palmers, Jarrow | 1915 | 9.11.1916 | 1.1917 | sunk 23.4.1918 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Nugent | G17, F46, F54, D58 | Palmers, Jarrow | 1915 | 23.1.1917 | 4.1917 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 3rd order (late 11.1914) | |
Napier | G34, GA0 | John Brown, Clydebank | 3.1915 | 27.11.1915 | 1.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Narwhal | G47, G36, G35, H29 | Denny, Dumbarton | 4.1915 | 30.12.1915 | 3.1916 | collision 1919, BU 1920 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Nicator | G55, F05, HA4 | Denny, Dumbarton | 4.1915 | 3.2.1916 | 4.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Narbrough | G39, F11, F02 | John Brown, Clydebank | 1915 | 2.3.1916 | 4.1916 | wrecked 12.1.1918 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Partridge | G46, G62 | Swan Hunter, Wallsend | 7.1915 | 4.3.1916 | 6.1916 | sunk 12.12.1917 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Paladin | G40, F18, F14, G73, D1A | Scotts, Greenock | 1915 | 27.3.1916 | 5.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Pasley | G54, F22, D42 | Swan Hunter, Wallsend | 7.1915 | 15.4.1916 | 7.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Observer | G41, G55, G51, D79 | Fairfield, Govan | 1915 | 1.5.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Offa | G45, G56, G57, D96 | Fairfield, Govan | 1915 | 7.6.1916 | 7.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Parthian | G52, G77, H91 | Scotts, Greenock | 1915 | 3.7.1916 | 9.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Orcadia | G53, G80, D30 | Fairfield, Govan | 1915 | 26.7.1916 | 9.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Oriole | G44, F16, D1A, D06 | Palmers, Jarrow | 1915 | 31.7.1916 | 11.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Norseman | G70, F13, F06, G51, H22 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 15.8.1916 | 11.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Oriana | G69, F14, F11, H34 | Fairfield, Govan | 1915 | 23.9.1916 | 11.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Osiris | G68, F26, F31, G72, H30 | Palmers, Jarrow | 1915 | 28.9.1916 | 12.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Oberon | G80, F27, F36, H35 | Doxford, Pallion | 1915 | 29.9.1916 | 12.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 4th order (2/1915) | |
Pigeon | G59, F21, F18, H67 | Hawthorn Leslie, Hebburn | 7.1915 | 3.3.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Plover | G65, G67 | Hawthorn Leslie, Hebburn | 7.1915 | 3.3.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Medina (ex-Redmill) | G75, G51, G52, D87 | White, Cowes | 9.1915 | 8.3.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Pelican | G58, F10, HA8 | Beardmore, Dalmuir | 6.1915 | 18.3.1916 | 5.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Petard | G66, F20, F32, G29, GA7 | Denny, Dumbarton | 7.1915 | 24.3.1916 | 5.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Penn | G50, F19, F16, G74 | John Brown, Clydebank | 6.1915 | 8.4.1916 | 5.1916 | BU 10.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Medway (ex-Medora, ex-Redwing) |
G76, F01, G2A | White, Cowes | 11.1915 | 19.4.1916 | 8.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Plucky | G67, G68, GA6, D2A | Scotts, Greenock | 1915 | 21.4.1916 | 7.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Peyton | G72, G66, H96 | Denny, Dumbarton | 7.1915 | 2.5.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Pellew | G64, H98 | Beardmore, Dalmuir | 6.1915 | 8.5.1916 | 6.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Peregrine | G60, G65, H94 | John Brown, Clydebank | 6.1915 | 29.5.1916 | 7.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Prince | G77, G43, G42, F92 | A. Stephens, Linthouse | 7.1915 | 26.7.1916 | 9.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Portia | G73, G84, HA6 | Scotts, Greenock | 1915 | 10.8.1916 | 10.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Pylades | G78, F28, F19, G62, H97 | A. Stephens, Linthouse | 7.1915 | 28.9.1916 | 12.1916 | BU 5.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Pheasant | G74, G89 | Fairfield, Govan | 10.1915 | 23.10.1916 | 11.1916 | sunk 1.3.1917 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) | |
Phoebe | G82, F53, F55, D59 | Fairfield, Govan | 1915 | 20.11.1916 | 12.1916 | BU 11.1921 | Admiralty design, 5th order (5/1915) |
Displacement normal, t | Admiralty design: 1025 Thornycroft specials: 985 Yarrow specials: 895 |
Displacement full, t | Admiralty design: 1250 Thornycroft specials: 1130 Yarrow specials: 1008 |
Length, m | Admiralty design: 83.4 Thornycroft specials: 83.7 Yarrow specials: 82,2 |
Breadth, m | Admiralty design: 8.20 Thornycroft specials: 8.40 Yarrow specials: 7.90 |
Draught, m | 2.60 |
No of shafts | Admiralty design, Thornycroft specials: 3 Yarrow specials: 2 |
Machinery | Admiralty design: 3 Parsons or Brown-Curtis steam turbines, 3 Yarrow boilers Manners, Mandate, Mary Rose, Menace: 3 sets Parsons or Brown-Curtis geared steam turbines, 3 Yarrow boilers Magic, Moresby: 3 sets Parsons geared steam turbines, 3 White-Forster boilers Medina, Medway: 3 Parsons steam turbines, 3 White-Forster boilers Noble, Nizam, Nomad, Nonpareil: 3 Parsons or Brown-Curtis steam turbines, 3 Babcock & Wilcox boilers Thornycroft specials: 3 Parsons steam turbines, 3 Yarrow boilers Yarrow specials: 2 Brown-Curtis steam turbines, 3 Yarrow boilers |
Power, h. p. | Admiralty design: 25000 Thornycroft specials: 26500 Yarrow specials: 23000 |
Max speed, kts | Admiralty design: 34 Thornycroft and Yarrow specials: 35 |
Fuel, t | Admiralty design: oil 266 Thornycroft specials: oil 254 Yarrow specials: oil 228 |
Endurance, nm(kts) | |
Armament | 3 x 1 - 102/40 QF Mk IV, (1 - 2) x 1 - 40/39 2pdr QF Mk II, 2 x 2 - 533 TT |
Complement | 80 |
The improved variant of L type destroyers. Destroyers were built by various yards and had differences in appearance. So, Mansfield, Mentor, Mastiff, Meteor, Miranda, Minos, Manly, Moon, Morning Star, Mauncey, Musketeer, Nerissa, Relentless and Rival were equipped with two-shafts machinery and first two were four-funnelled.
Twenty more 'M' class were ordered in September 1914, 16 of them to the Admiralty standard design but without the cruising turbines (to accelerate delivery - except in Fairfield, Swan Hunter and Fairfield boats). Another improvement was to put No 2 102mm gun on a 'bandstand' as in the 'L' class. The doubling on the stempiece fitted as an emergency measure to the early 'M' class was now made standard to facilitate ramming of U-boats, but in the form of a single casting. The Yarrow 'specials' were similar to the Miranda but were 0.3m longer on the waterline and had raked stems and sloping sterns. The only other variants built thereafter were Thornycroft 'specials', which resembled the Admiralty boats but had flat-sided funnels and higher freeboard. In the later Admiralty-designed boats the stem was raked and the bows were given more flare to improve seakeeping. Machinery was non-standard, with geared-turbines in a few, triple screws in most, and twin screws in some. In July 1916 the Admiralty restored order to a chaotic situation by ordering that all 3-shaft destroyers building were to be listed as Admiralty 'M' class and future 2-shaft boats would be Admiralty 'R's; as a result Redmill and Redwing became Medina and Medora (renamed Medway two weeks later). Although there were some complaints about poor finish they proved sturdy craft and gave good value in four hard years of war. Because of hard driving and particularly because their hulls had not been galvanized they were worn out by 1919 and very few survived the wholesale scrappings in 1921. In all 90 were built, 79 Admiralty boats, and 11 'specials'.
Some destroyers after commission: + 2 - 356 TT (beam).
Marmion collided with destroyer Tirade off Lerwick 21.10.1917, Mary Rose was sunk by German cruisers Brummer and Bremse off Norwegian coast 17.10.1917, Negro collided with leader Hoste in North sea 21.12.1916, and Nessus with cruiser Amphitrite in North sea 8.9.1918. Nomad and Nestor were lost in action at Jutland 31.5.1916. North Star was sunk by gunfire of German ships at Zeebrugge 23.4.1918. Partridge 12.12.1917 became a victim of German destroyers off Norwegian coast. Pheasant was mined off Orkneys 1.3.1917. Opal and Narbrough wrecked off Scapa Flow 21.1.1918 and 12.1.1918 respectively. Narwhal collided with other ship, stood afloat but never repaired and sold.