No | Name | Yard No | Builder | Laid down | Launched | Comm | Fate |
ACV55, 7.1943- CVE55 | Casablanca (ex-Alazon Bay, ex-Ameer) | 301 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 3.11.1942 | 5.4.1943 | 8.7.1943 | stricken 7.1946 |
CVE56 | Liscombe Bay | 302 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 9.12.1942 | 19.4.1943 | 7.8.1943 | sunk 24.11.1943 |
CVE57, 6.1955 - CVHE57 | Coral Sea (ex-Alikula Bay), 9.1944- Anzio | 303 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 12.12.1942 | 1.5.1943 | 27.8.1943 | helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, stricken 3.1959 |
CVE58, 5.1951- T-CVE58, 6.1955- T-CVHE58 | Corregidor (ex-Anguilla Bay, ex-Atheling) | 304 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 17.12.1942 | 12.5.1943 | 31.8.1943 | aircraft transport 5.1951, helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, stricken 10.1958 |
CVE59, 6.1955- CVU59 | Mission Bay (ex-Atheling) | 305 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 28.12.1942 | 26.5.1943 | 13.9.1943 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 9.1958 |
CVE60, 6.1955- CVU60 | Guadalcanal (ex-Astrolabe Bay) | 306 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 5.1.1943 | 5.6.1943 | 25.9.1943 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 5.1958 |
CVE61, 6.1955- CVU61 | Manila Bay (ex-Bucareli Bay) | 307 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 15.1.1943 | 10.7.1943 | 5.10.1943 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 5.1958 |
CVE62, 6.1955- CVU62 | Natoma Bay (ex-Begum) | 308 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 17.1.1943 | 20.7.1943 | 14.10.1943 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 9.1958 |
CVE63 | Midway (ex-Chapin Bay), 9.1944 - St. Lo | 309 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 23.1.1943 | 17.8.1943 | 23.10.1943 | sunk 25.10.1944 |
CVE64, 1.1952- T-CVE64, 6.1955- T-CVU64 | Didrickson Bay, 11.1943- Tripoli | 310 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 1.2.1943 | 2.9.1943 | 31.10.1943 | aircraft transport 1.1952, utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 2.1959 |
CVE65 | Wake Island (ex-Dolomi Bay) | 311 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 6.2.1943 | 15.9.1943 | 7.11.1943 | stricken 4.1946 |
CVE66, 6.1955- CVU66 | White Plains (ex-Elbour Bay) | 312 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 11.2.1943 | 27.9.1943 | 15.11.1943 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 7.1958 |
CVE67 | Solomons (ex-Nassuk Bay, ex-Emperor) | 313 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 19.3.1943 | 6.10.1943 | 21.11.1943 | stricken 6.1946 |
CVE68 | Kalinin Bay | 314 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 26.4.1943 | 15.10.1943 | 27.11.1943 | damaged 25.10.1944, recommissioned as aircraft tender, stricken 6.1946 |
CVE69, 6.1955- CVHE69 | Kassan Bay | 315 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 11.5.1943 | 24.10.1943 | 4.12.1943 | helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, stricken 3.1959 |
CVE70, 6.1955- CVHE70 | Fanshaw Bay | 316 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 18.5.1943 | 1.11.1943 | 9.12.1943 | helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, stricken 3.1959 |
CVE71 | Kitkun Bay | 317 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 31.5.1943 | 8.11.1943 | 15.12.1943 | stricken 5.1946 |
CVE72 | Tulagi (ex-Fortaleza Bay) | 318 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 7.6.1943 | 15.11.1943 | 21.12.1943 | stricken 5.1946 |
CVE73 | Gambier Bay | 319 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 10.7.1943 | 22.11.1943 | 28.12.1943 | sunk 25.10.1944 |
CVE74, 6.1955- CVU74, 5.1959- AKV24 | Nehenta Bay (ex-Khedive) | 320 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 20.7.1943 | 28.11.1943 | 3.1.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 8.1959 |
CVE75, 6.1955- CVHE75, 5.1959- AKV25 | Hoggatt Bay | 321 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 17.8.1943 | 4.12.1943 | 11.1.1944 | helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 9.1959 |
CVE76, 6.1955- CVU76, 5.1959- AKV26 | Kadashan Bay | 322 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 2.9.1943 | 11.12.1943 | 18.1.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 8.1959 |
CVE77, 6.1955- CVHE77, 5.1959- AKV27 | Marcus Island (ex-Kanalku Bay) | 323 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 15.9.1943 | 16.12.1943 | 26.1.1944 | helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 9.1959 |
CVE78, 6.1955- CVHE78, 5.1959- AKV28 | Savo Island (ex-Kaita Bay) | 324 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 27.9.1943 | 22.12.1943 | 3.2.1944 | helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 9.1959 |
CVE79 | Ommaney Bay | 325 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 6.10.1943 | 29.12.1943 | 11.2.1944 | sunk 4.1.1945 |
CVE80, 6.1955- CVU80 | Petrof Bay | 326 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 15.10.1943 | 5.1.1944 | 18.2.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 6.1958 |
CVE81, 6.1955- CVU81, 5.1959- AKV29 | Rudyard Bay | 327 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 24.10.1943 | 12.1.1944 | 25.2.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 8.1959 |
CVE82, 6.1955 - CVHE82 | Saginaw Bay | 328 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 1.11.1943 | 19.1.1944 | 2.3.1944 | helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, stricken 8.1959 |
CVE83, 6.1955- CVU83 | Sargent Bay | 329 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 8.11.1943 | 31.1.1944 | 9.3.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 6.1958 |
CVE84, 6.1955- CVU84 | Shamrock Bay | 330 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 15.11.1943 | 4.2.1944 | 15.3.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 6.1958 |
CVE85, 6.1955 - CVU85 | Shipley Bay | 331 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 22.11.1943 | 12.2.1944 | 21.3.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 3.1959 |
CVE86, 7.1950- T-CVE86, 6.1955- CVU86, 5.1959- AKV30 | Sitkoh Bay | 332 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 23.11.1943 | 19.2.1944 | 28.3.1944 | aircraft transport 7.1950, utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 4.1960 |
CVE87, 6.1955- CVHE87 | Steamer Bay | 333 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 4.12.1943 | 26.2.1944 | 4.4.1944 | helicopter escort carrier 6.1955, stricken 3.1959 |
CVE88, 8.1950- T-CVE88, 6.1955- T-CVU88 | Cape Esperance (ex-Tananek Bay) | 334 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 11.12.1943 | 3.3.1944 | 9.4.1944 | aircraft transport 8.1950, utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 3.1959 |
CVE89, 6.1955- CVU89, 5.1959- AKV31 | Takanis Bay | 335 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 16.12.1943 | 10.3.1944 | 15.4.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 8.1959 |
CVE90, 7.1955- CVHA1, 5.1959- LPH6 | Thetis Bay | 336 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 22.12.1943 | 16.3.1944 | 21.4.1944 | assault helicopter carrier 7.1956, stricken 3.1964 |
CVE91, 6.1955- CVU91 | Makassar Strait (ex-Ulitaka Bay) | 337 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 29.12.1943 | 22.3.1944 | 29.4.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 9.1958 |
CVE92, 10.1951- T-CVE92, 6.1955- T-CVU92 | Wyndham Bay | 338 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 5.1.1944 | 29.3.1944 | 3.5.1944 | aircraft transport 10.1951, utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 2.1959 |
CVE93 | Makin Island (ex-Woodcliff Bay) | 339 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 12.1.1944 | 5.4.1944 | 9.5.1944 | stricken 7.1947 |
CVE94, 6.1955- CVU94, 5.1959- AKV32 | Lunga Point (ex-Alazon Bay) | 340 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 19.1.1944 | 11.4.1944 | 14.5.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 4.1960 |
CVE95 | Bismarck Sea (ex-Alikula Bay) | 341 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 31.1.1944 | 17.4.1944 | 20.5.1944 | sunk 21.2.1945 |
CVE96 | Salamaua (ex-Anguilla Bay) | 342 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 4.2.1944 | 22.4.1944 | 26.5.1944 | stricken 9.1946 |
CVE97, 6.1955- CVU97, 5.1959- AKV33 | Hollandia (ex-Astrolabe Bay) | 343 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 12.2.1944 | 28.4.1944 | 1.6.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 4.1960 |
CVE98, 6.1955- CVU98, 5.1959- AKV34 | Kwajalein (ex-Bucareli Bay) | 344 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 19.2.1944 | 4.5.1944 | 7.6.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 4.1960 |
CVE99 | Admiralty Islands (ex-Chapin Bay) | 345 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 26.2.1944 | 10.5.1944 | 13.6.1944 | stricken 5.1946 |
CVE100, 6.1955- CVU100, 5.1959- AKV35 | Bougainville (ex-Didrickson Bay) | 346 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 3.3.1944 | 16.5.1944 | 18.6.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 4.1960 |
CVE101, 6.1955- CVU101, 5.1959- AKV36 | Matanikau (ex-Dolomi Bay) | 347 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 10.3.1944 | 22.5.1944 | 24.6.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, aviation transport 5.1959, stricken 4.1960 |
CVE102 | Attu (ex-Elbour Bay) | 348 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 16.3.1944 | 27.5.1944 | 30.6.1944 | stricken 7.1946 |
CVE103 | Roi (ex-Alava Bay) | 349 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 22.3.1944 | 2.6.1944 | 6.7.1944 | stricken 5.1946 |
CVE104, 6.1955- CVU104 | Munda (ex-Tonowek Bay) | 350 | Kaiser, Vancouver | 29.3.1944 | 8.6.1944 | 8.7.1944 | utility carrier 6.1955, stricken 9.1958 |
Displacement standard, t | 8188 |
Displacement full, t | 10902 |
Length, m | 149.4 wl 156.1 oa |
Breadth, m | 19.9 wl 32.9 oa |
Draught, m | 6.32 full load |
No of shafts | 2 |
Machinery | 2 Skinner Uniflow VQuiE, 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers |
Power, h. p. | 9000 |
Max speed, kts | 19 |
Fuel, t | oil 2228 |
Endurance, nm(kts) | 10200 (15) |
Armament | 1 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 12, 4 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 12 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4, 27 aircraft (F4F Wildcat, F4U Corsair, F6F Hellcat fighters, SBD Dauntless dive bombers, TBF Avenger torpedo bombers, SOC Seagull, F4F-P Wildcat, F4U-P Corsair, F6F-P Hellcat reconnaissance planes) |
Electronic equipment | SG, SK radars |
Complement | 860 |
Year | Fighters | torpedo bombers |
1943 - 1945 ASW carriers | 9 F4F-8/FM-2 | 10 - 12 TBF-1/TBM-3 |
8.1944 Kasaan Bay | 24 F6F-5, 7 F6F-3N | --- |
4.1945 Fanshaw Bay | 24 F4F-8/FM-2 | 6 TBM-3 |
4.1945 Savo Island | 20 F4F-8/FM-2 | 11 TBM-1C, 4 TBM-3 |
(fd - 3,526 m², ha - 1,334 m² / 7,069 m³): Flight deck: 144.5 x 24.4 m. Hangar: 78.0 x 17.1 x 5.3 m. There were 2 elevators in the center line (fore, 6.3 t, 12.6 x 10.1 m and aft, 6.3 t, 12.7 x 11.5 m). There was 1 H 2 catapult. Aircraft fuel stowage: 378 500 l.
In the early summer of 1942 the owner of shipyard in Vancouver (WA) G. Kaiser has suggested the American government to manage mass bulding of escort carriers, commit to build 100 in a year. To that time Kaiser already developed mass building of merchant vessels, and now technology of continuous assembling was planned to spread to warships. President Roosevelt has become interested in the project, and Kaiser received an offer on 50 aircraft carriers at once. Casablanca in many respects reminded Bogue but had smaller displacement, two shafts and was faster. As a design basis the fast dry cargo carrier of S4-S2ВВ-3 type was used, but, unlike the predecessors, new carriers were built quite new, instead of earlier carriers converted from merchant hulls. Term of building of the first 10 ships was 241-287 days, last ships of the class were built in 101-112 days. Machinery included two original 'Uniflow' five-cylinder steam engines, quite often called by turbines.
To 1945, all survived: + 4 x 2 - 40/56 Mk 1.2, 8 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 4
1.1946, all survived: 1 x 1 - 127/38 Mk 30, 8 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1, 20 x 1 - 20/70 Mk 10, 1 catapult, 27 aircraft, SG, SK radars
1950s, almost all survived: + SLR-2 ECM suite
(6/1955 - 7.1956, San Francisco N Yd) Thetis Bay: was converted to assault helicopter carrier CVHA1. Full displacement was 10886 t, armament consisted of 4 x 2 - 40/60 Mk 1. Ship can carry up to 20 helicopters and 1004 marines.
: Liscombe Bay at atoll Makin (02°58'N, 172°26'E) 24.11.1943 was torpedoed by Japanese submarine I175. As a result of explosion of gasoline steam and amunition she was sunk in 23 minutes after attack. St. Lo 25.10.1944 during battle at Samar received hit of A6M kamikaze plane, a number of internal explosions followed. Gambier Bay 25.10.1944 during battle at Samar was sunk by gunfire of Japanese cruisers Chikuma, Chokai, Haguro and Tone. Ommaney Bay 4.1.1945 S of Mindoro was badly damaged by kamikaze hit, abandoned by crew and sunk by destroyer Barnes. Bismarck Sea 21.2.1945 off Iwo Jima was hit by two kamikaze, called many fires and explosions. She foundered 2 hours after attack. Corregidor 20.4.1945 was damaged by a storm and was under repair about two months, she was used for training of naval pilots later. Manila Bay 5.1.1945 was damaged by kamikaze and was under repair till March, 1945. Wake Island 3.4.1945 was damaged by kamikaze hit and returned to service only at the end of war. White Plains 25.10.1944 during battle at Samar was damaged by kamikaze blown near the stern and close underwater explosion of a shell from Japanese battleship, repair lasted till March, 1945. Kalinin Bay 25.10.1944 during battle at Samar received 15 hits of 203mm shells from Japanese cruisers and two kamikaze hits, was badly damaged and never repaired. Fanshaw Bay 25.10.1944 in battle at Samar received heavy damages from gunfire of Japanese cruisers (6 203mms shells hits) and was under repair till March, 1945. Kitkun Bay 8.1.1945 was damaged by kamikaze hit and was under repair till March, 1945. Hoggatt Bay 15.1.1945 was damaged by internal explosion, returned to service in June, 1945. Kadashan Bay 8.1.1945 was damaged by kamikaze hit, and after repair used as TS. Wyndham Bay was badly damaged during a storm 5.6.1945 and repaired till the end of war. Salamaua 13.1.1945 was damaged by kamikaze hit, repair lasted till March, 1945; 5.6.1945 she was badly damaged during a storm and was under repair till the end of war. Kwajalein received weather damage 18.12.1944 and repaired some months.
After the war Thetis Bay was converted to assault helicopter carrier and designated CVHA1 (reclassified to LPH6 28.5.1959). Second conversion, of Block Island to LPH2 under FY57 program, was cancelled. Ship had very insufficient troop berthings and was not considered true LPH by the Marines.