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WWI requisitioned fishing vessels

100 - 1000 t displacement/ BRT tonnage vessels

Purchased Admiralty trawlers, used as minesweepers

Driver, 6.1919- Nairn (1910, 207, 1910 - 1920); Rose (1907, 243, 1910 - 1921); Seaflower, 1.1920- Sea Rover (1908, 275, 1-76, 4.1909 - 1920); Seamew, 1.1920- Nunthorpe Hall (ex-Hinthorpe Hall) (1908, 265, 1-76, 4.1909 - 5.1920); Sparrow, 1.1920- Josephine I (ex-Josephine I) (1908, 266, 1-76, 4.1909 - 5.1920); Spider (ex-Assyrlan) (1908, 256, 4.1909 - 21.11.1914); Alnmouth (1912, 236, 7.1914 - 1919); Daniel Stroud (1912, 209, 1-76, 7.1914 - 1919); Jackdaw, 2.1917- Excellent, 2.1919- Jackdaw (1903, 250, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Janus, 1.1920- Kilda (ex-Kilda) (1911, 243, 1-76, 5.1914 - 5.1920); Jasper (ex-Rayvernol) (1912, 221, 1914 - 26.8.1915); Javelin (ex-Braconlea) (1913, 205, 1914 - 17.10.1915); Kingfisher, 6.1918- Adele (ex-Alcyon) (1915, 394, 4.1915 - 1919); Osborne Stroud (1912, 209, 7.1914 - 1920); Xylopia (1911, 262, 1-76, 7.1914 - 1919)

ex-Portuguese trawlers

Achernar (ex-Chire) (1908, 256, 9.1915 - 5.1919); Algenib (ex-Neptuno) (1907, 321, 9.1915 - 5.1919); Algol (ex-Maria Amalia) (1901, 213, 9.1915 - 5.1919); Altair (ex-Victoria Laura), 10.1917- Altair II (1907, 257, 9.1915 - 5.1919); Antares (ex-Cabo Verde), 10.1917- Antares II (1906, 218, 9.1915 - 2.5.1918); Arcturus (ex-Rio Tejo), 6.1918- Arcturus II (1910, 337, 9.1915 - 5.1919); Corvi (ex-Mindello II) (1909, 216, 9.1915 - 5.1919); Crucis (ex-Bicalho) (1911, 243, 9.1915 - 5.1919); Cygni (ex-Monchique) (1903, 207, 9.1915 - 5.1919)

purchased Indian trawlers, used as minesweepers

Kumarihami (ex-Minato Maru No3) (1913, 259, 3.1917 - 1920); Lakshmi (ex-Daitoku Maru) (1913, 249, 3.1917 - 1920); Lankdys (ex-Nishiso Maru No1) (1911, 255, 3.1917 - 1920); Parvati (ex-Naniwa Maru) (1912, 208, 3.1917 - 1920); Ranmenika (ex-Nishiso Maru No2) (1913, 224, 3.1917 - 1920); Sarasvati II (ex-Chokai Maru) (1911, 204, 3.1917 - 1920)

prize trawlers, mostly minesweepers

Cabalsin (ex-Burhave) (1904, 218, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Cachosin (ex-Doktor Krugier) (1912, 213, 1-76, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Caersin (ex-Dora) (1892, 133, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Callsin (ex-Mond) (1896, 136, 10.1915 - 4.1921); Calumsin (ex-Würzburg) (1902, 224, 10.1915 - 12.1921); Cambrsin (ex-Orion) (1891, 158, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Campsin (ex-Adjutant) (1894, 133, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Canossin (ex-Paul) (1894, 153, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Carbosin (ex-Darmstadt) (1896, 158, 10.1915 - 10.1920); Censin (ex-Burgermeister Smidt) (1894, 145, 10.1915 - 5.1920); Charlsin (ex-Esteburg) (1907, 241, 9.1915 - 30.9.1917); Checksin (ex-Wulsdorf) (1895, 140, 10.1915 - 5.1920); Chirsin (ex-Else Kunkel) (1912, 218, 12.1914 - 3.1920); Churchsin (ex-St. Georg) (1900, 142, 10.1915 - 5.1920); Clarosin(ex-President Rose) (1897, 159, 10.1915 - 2.1920); Classin (ex-Sopphie) (1889, 182, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Clearsin (ex-Resle) (1891, 155, 10.1915 - 2.1920); Clonsin (ex-Dr. Roblizsch) (1911, 202, 12.1914 - 3.1920); Coalsin (ex-Toni) (1892, 130, 10.1915 - 10.1920); Cooksin (ex-Herbert) (1896, 149, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Coomasin (ex-Heppens), 9.1919- Cinceria, 12.1919- Coomasin (1897, 170, 10.1915 - 5.1920); Corinsin (ex-Jutlandia) (1896, 159, 10.1915 - 2.1920); Cortasin (ex-Sonnlag) (1891, 156, 11.1915 - 12.1915); Cradosin (ex-Elma) (1895, 133, 10.1915 - 10.1920); Craigsin (ex-Blumenthal) (1895, 141, 10.1915 - 10.1920); Cromsin (ex-Ost) (1895, 138, 6.1915- 5.1920); Crownsin (ex-Varel) (1895, 137, 10.1915 - 4.5.1916); Cudwosin (ex-West) (1907, 112, 10.1915 - 3.1920); Culbasin (ex-Nereus) (1893, 133, 10.1915 - 10.1920)

ex-Russian trawlers

Boneaxe (ex-T..) (,, 9.1918 - 1920); Bronzeaxe (ex-T..) (,, 9.1918 - 1920); Coalaxe (ex-T36) (1910, 263, 9.1918 - 5.1920); Dreadaxe (ex-T..) (,, 9.1918 - 5.1920); Firmaxe (ex-T34) (1908, 270, 9.1918 - 5.1920); Frostaxe (ex-T41) (1909, 191, 9.1918 - 30.4.1919); Greataxe (ex-T6) (1899, 187, 9.1918 - 5.1920); Silveraxe (ex-T33) (1908, 272, 1-76, 9.1918 - 5.1920); Steamaxe (ex-T12) (1908, 332, 9.1918 - 1.11.1919); Sureaxe (ex-T31) (1907, 195, 9.1918 - 5.1920)

Hired trawlers

A. Spence MacDonald (1911, 195, 8.1914 - 1919); Abelard (1909, 187, 8.1914 - 12.1916); Aberdeen (1896, 163, 10.1914 - 1919); Abergeldie (1915, 200, 7.1915 - 1919); Aboyne (1908, 233, 8.1914 - 1919); Abronia (1906, 242, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Achilles, 12.1915- Achilles II (1906, 225, 8.1914 - 6.1918); Active, 8.1915- Active IV (1899, 185, 6.1915 - 11.1918); Adrian (1900, 199, 12.1914 - 13.3.1918); Adventure II (1906, 184, 6.1915 - 1919); Agamemnon, 2.1915- Agamemnon II (1907, 225, 8.1914 - 7.1915); Agate (1914, 248, 5.1915 - 3.1918); Agatha II (1896, 137, 11.1914 - 1920); Agile (1907, 246, 12.1914 - 27.4.1917); Agnes H. Hastie (1912, 210, 8.1914 - 1919); Agnes H. etherly (1917, 229, 5.1917 - 1919); Agnes Nutten (1915, 183, 6.1915 - 1920); Agnes Wickfield (ex-Solya) (1909, 219, 8.1914 - 1919); Akranes (1899, 184, 6.1915 - 1919); Alaska (1898, 135, 12.1914 - 1919); Albatross, 2.1915- Albatross II (1906, 220, 11.1914 - 1919); Albatross, 5.1915- Albatross III (1895, 151, 1-76, 12.1914 - 9.1918); Alberia (1910, 286, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Alberta (1907, 209, 8.1914 - 4.1916); Albion, 2.1915- Albion II (1907, 240, 8.1914 - 13.1.1916); Alex Hastie (1914, 206, 4.1915 - 1919); Alexandra (1904, 182, 8.1914 - 1919); Alida (1915, 270, 12.1915 - 1919); Allan Ramsay (1911, 210, 6.1915 - 1919); Alpha (1900, 274, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1920); Alsatian, 12.1914- Alsatian Minor (1900, 191, 12.1914 - 10.1916); Amadavat (1899, 171, 11.1914 - 11.1915); Ameer (1908, 216, 8.1914 - 18.3.1916); Amethyst, 2.1915- Amethyst II (1898, 172, 1.1915 - 10.1915); Amplify (1916, 342, 9.1914 - 17.1.1917); Ampulla (1913, 248, 9.1914 - 1919); Amroth Castle (1913, 255, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Amy (1905, 223, 8.1914 - 11.4.1917); Andrew Marvel (1912, 285, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Angelus (1914, 304, 1-76, 5.1915 - 28.2.1916); Angerton (1901, 186, 11.1914 - 1919); Angle (1908, 222, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Anida (1917, 270, 1-76, 9.1917 - 1919); Ann Ford Melville (1911, 212, 4.1915 - 1919); Ann Lewis (1916, 216, 12.1916 - 1919); Ann Melville (1909, 201, 6.1915 - 1919); Annie Melling (1906, 221, 4.1915 - 12.1918); Anson, 3.1917- Anson II (1905, 211, 2.1915 - 1920); Anthony Hope (1913, 288, 4.1915 - 16.11.1916); Anwoth (1915, 211, 2.1915 - 1919); Anzac, 3.1917- Anzac II (1916, 317, 8.1916 - 1919); Apley (1908, 222, 8.1914 - 6.12.1917); Aquamarine (1911, 333, 8.1915 - 1919); Aquarius (1905, 187, 6.1915 - 8.1915); Arabian (1899, 180, 6.1915 - 1919); Aracari (1908, 245, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Arctic Prince (1915, 194, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Ardent, 3.1917- Ardent II (1908, 228, 6.1915 - 1919); Arfon (1908, 227, 8.1914 - 30.4.1917); Argon, 5.1917- Argon II (1907, 226, 6.1915 - 1919); Ariadne, 2.1915- Ariadne II (1906, 225, 8.1914 - 11.1918); Arian (1910, 221, 3.1915 - 1919); Ariel, 2.1915- Ariel II (1905, 174, 9.1914 - 1919); Aries, 2.1915- Aries II (1906, 250, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Arley (1914, 304, 10.1914 - 1919); Armageddon (1915, 323, 9.1915 - 1919); Asama (1914, 284, 1.1917 - 16.7.1917); Ashlyn (1914, 304, 11.1914 - 1919); Ashton (1896, 144, 10.1914 - 9.1918); Asia (1905, 309, 10.1914 - 12.9.1917); Aspasia (1916, 342, 1-76, 4.1916 - 1919); Athelstan (1911, 202, 8.1914 - 1919); Auckland (1899, 155, 10.1914 - 1919); Aucuba (1906, 211, 12.1914 - 1919); Auk, 4.1918- Antic (1903, 168, 1-76, 11.1914 - 11.1918); Auk (1901, 183, 6.1915 - 1919); Aurea (1917, 270, 1-76, 9.1917 - 1920); Aurora, 2.1915- Aurora II (1906, 225, 8.1914 - 1919); Australia, 4.1918- Bendigo (1882, 238, 8.1916 - 1919); Avon, 7.1915- Avon II (1907, 250, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Avonmouth (1890, 139, 1.1915 - 4.1915); Balfour (1912, 285, 2.1915 - 13.5.1918); Balmedie (1906, 205, 8.1914 - 27.4.1915); Balmoral II (1916, 222, 6.1917 - 1919); Balmoral Castle (1890, 145, 6.1915 - 1919); Baltic (1888, 154, 1.1915 - 6.1915); Barbados, 4.1918- Babs (1907, 183, 10.1914 - 1919); Barbados (1905, 211, 12.1914 - 1919); Barle (1914, 283, 9.1915 - 1919); Barnsley (1896, 144, 10.1914 - 5.1915); Bass Rock (1907, 169, 9.1914 - 1919); Bassanio (1904, 270, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Beatrice (1906, 173, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Beatrice, 12.1914- Beatrice II (1907, 239, 8.1914 - 1919); Bedouin (1902, 188, 8.1914 - 13.2.1915); Beechwold (1895, 129, 8.1914 - 9.1914); Bega (1914, 318, 1-76, 11.1914 - 18.6.1917); Belgaum (1916, 337, 3.1916 - 1919); Bellerophon, 2.1915- Bellerophon II (1907, 184, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Bellona, 5.1915- Bellona III (1907, 184, 8.1914 - 1919); Belmont (1906, 209, 6.1915 - 1919); Bempton (1914, 226, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Ben Alder (1899, 151, 6.1915 - 1919); Ben Ardna (1912, 197, 8.1914 - 8.8.1915); Ben Asdale (1912, 197, 6.1915 - 1919); Ben Attow (1900, 156, 8.1916 - 1919); Ben Barvas (1914, 198, 6.1915 - 1920); Ben Bhrackie (1916, 235, 8.1916 - 1919); Ben Breac (1916, 235, 1-76, 8.1916 - 1919); Ben Chourn (1914, 197, 8.1914 - 1919); Ben Doran (1900, 155, 9.1915 - 1920); Ben Earn (1916, 235, 1-76, 10.1916 - 1919); Ben Gairn (1916, 204, 1-76, 11.1916 - 1919); Ben Glamair (1914, 198, 5.1915 - 1919); Ben Glas (1917, 234, 5.1917 - 1919); Ben Gulvain (1914, 197, 3.1915 - 1919); Ben Heilem (1912, 196, 1-76, 8.1914 - 8.10.1917); Ben Holden (1914, 197, 8.1914 - 1919); Ben Iver (1914, 197, 8.1914 - 1919); Ben Lawers (1900, 176, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Ben Lora (1913, 197, 8.1914 - 1919); Ben Loyal (ex-Columbia) (1901, 183, 8.1914 - 1919); Ben Lui (ex-Iris) (1900, 155, 6.1915 - 1919); Ben Meidie (1917, 234, 4.1917 - 1919); Ben Rinnes, 6.1918- Ben Dearg (1901, 183, 9.1915 - 1920); Ben Screel (1914, 197, 6.1915 - 1919); Ben Strome (1914, 198, 4.1915 - 1919); Ben Tarbert (1912, 197, 6.1915 - 1919); Ben Torc (1914, 199, 5.1915 - 1919); Ben Urie (1916, 234, 1.1917 - 1919); Ben Vurie (1914, 200, 5.1915 - 1919); Bengal, 3.1915- Bengal II (1905, 211, 2.1915 - 1919); Benton Castle (1914, 283, 9.1915 - 10.11.1916); Berkshire (1897, 133, 12.1914 - 15.5.1915); Bermuda (1905, 211, 12.1914 - 1920); Beru (1911, 195, 11.1914 - 1919); Beryl, 3.1915- Beryl II (1914, 248, 12.1914 - 1919); Bianca (1905, 174, 9.1914 - 1919); Birch (1912, 215, 2.1915 - 23.8.1916); Bittern, 2.1915- Bittern II (1903, 207, 12.1914 - 1919); Blake, 2.1915- Blakedown (1900, 207, 1.1915 - 19.2.1915); Blanche (1907, 173, 5.1915 - 1919); Bloodhound (1890, 150, 6.1915 - 1919); Bluebell, 8.1915- Bluebell III (1904, 169, 11.1914 - 11.1918); Bombay (1907, 229, 9.1915 - 1919); Bona Dea (1915, 322, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Bonaccord (1908, 214, 9.1914 - 1919); Bonar Law (1912, 285, 2.1915 - 27.10.1915); Boreas (1907, 184, 8.1914 - 1919); Borneo (1906, 211, 11.1914 - 18.6.1917); Boscobel (1906, 225, 5.1915 - 1919); Bostonian, 8.1917- Bastion (1900, 192, 11.1914 - 11.1918); Bovic (1896, 162, 11.1914 - 5.8.1917); Bracklyn (1914, 303, 12.1914 - 11.5.1917); Bracondale (1903, 189, 9.1914 - 1919); Bracondene (1916, 235, 2.1916 - 1919); Braconheath (1906, 201, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Braconlynn (1913, 206, 8.1914 - 1919); Bradford (1896, 163, 11.1914 - 28.10.1916); Braemar (1900, 197, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); Braes O`Mar (1915, 227, 9.1915 - 1919); Brecon Castle (1916, 274, 3.1916 - 1919); Briton (1906, 196, 2.1915 - 21.7.1915); Brock (1914, 304, 11.1914 - 1919); Bromelia (1906, 242, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); Brutus (1906, 311, 11.1914 - 1919); Bucentaur (1907, 184, 8.1914 - 1919); Buffalo, 12.1915- Buffalo II (1905, 230, 7.1915 - 1919); Burmah (1892, 168, 10.1914 - 11.1914); Burnley (1916, 276, 1-76, 5.1916 - 25.11.1916); Bush (1908, 221, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1920); Buzzard (1907, 199, 10.1914 - 1919); By George (1914, 225, 8.1914 - 7.9.1917); Cadorna (1917, 255, 1-76, 7.1917 - 1919); Caesar, 2.1915- Caesar II (1906, 311, 10.1914 - 1919); Cairo (1902, 172, 10.1914 - 1919); Caldy (1908, 222, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Caledonia (1906, 161, 3.1917 - 17.3.1917); Caliph (1906, 226, 8.1914 - 1919); Calliope, 6.1915- Calliope II (1907, 240, 8.1914 - 5.3.1916); Calvia (1915, 304, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Calvinia (ex-Svendborg) (1901, 191, 1.1915 - 1919); Cambodia (1911, 284, 5.1915 - 1920); Cambria (1905, 206, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Cambrian, 2.1915- Cambrian II (1900, 191, 11.1914 - 1919); Cameo (1898, 172, 1-76, 2.1915 - 9.1918); Canada, 2.1917- Canada II (1886, 231, 11.1916 - 1919); Cancer (1916, 230, 8.1916 - 1919); Candidate (1906, 161, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Cantatrice (1915, 302, 7.1915 - 5.11.1916); Capricornus (1917, 219, 4.1917 - 1919); Captain Pollen (1917, 275, 1-76, 12.1917 - 1919); Carbill (1917, 242, 1-76, 8.1917 - 1919); Cardiff Castle (1907, 255, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Cardinal (1912, 309, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1920); Carency (1916, 233, 12.1916 - 1919); Carew Castle (1912, 256, 1-76, 5.1915 - 12.6.1917); Carieda (1913, 225, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Carilon (1915, 226, 11.1915 - 24.12.1915); Carlton (1907, 267, 12.1915 - 21.2.1916); Carmania II (1907, 250, 5.1915 - 1919); Carysfort II (1915, 243, 6.1915 - 1919); Casoria (ex-Delfinen) (1897, 185, 11.1914 - 1919); Cassandra, 7.1917- Cassandra II (1905, 174, 5.1915 - 1919); Cassowary (1908, 222, 11.1914 - 1919); Castor, 3.1917- Castor II (1916, 209, 1-76, 9.1916 - 1919); Caswell (1917, 276, 1.1917 - 1919); Caulonia (1912, 296, 5.1915 - 1919); Cave (1902, 247, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Cayrian (1911, 216, 11.1916 - 1919); Cedar (1909, 219, 3.1915 - 1919); Centurion (1904, 156, 10.1915 - 1919); Cerealia (ex-Gudrun) (1905, 220, 12.1914 - 1919); Ceresia (1914, 234, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Chalcedony (1911, 333, 8.1914 - 1919); Chamberlain (1905, 161, 8.1917 - 1919); Champion (1894, 150, 5.1915 - 1919); Chanticleer (1894, 173, 11.1914 - 11.1918); Charmouth (1910, 195, 8.1914 - 1919); Chester, 5.1915- Chester II (1896, 143, 10.1914 - 29.2.1916); Chieftain (1905, 278, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Chikara (1908, 250, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); China (1893, 190, 1.1915 - 1919); Choice (1905, 165, 11.1914 - 1919); Christopher (1911, 316, 1-76, 5.1915 - 30.3.1917); Chrysea (1912, 210, 9.1914 - 1919); Chrysloite (1916, 251, 12.1916 - 1919); Cicero, 11.1917- Cicero II (1907, 173, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); City of Carlisle (1899, 208, 1.1915 - 1919); City of Dundee (1914, 269, 11.1914 - 14.9.1915); City of Edinburgh II (1908, 300, 8.1914 - 1919); City of Liverpool (1900, 179, 6.1915 - 8.1918); City of London (1901, 195, 6.1915 - 1919); City of Manchester (1900, 189, 6.1915 - 8.1918); City of Selby (1914, 284, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); City of York (1904, 202, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1920); Claire (1907, 219, 4.1915 - 1919); Clementina II (1903, 200, 3.1915 - 1919); Cleon (1907, 266, 5.1915 - 1.2.1918); Cleopatra, 12.1914- Cleopatra II (1907, 240, 8.1914 - 1919); Cleopatra, 4.1915- Cleopatra III (1906, 311, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Clifton (1906, 242, 1-76, 12.1914 - 18.2.1917); Clotilde (1913, 289, 11.1914 - 1919); Clyde (1891, 146, 2.1915 - 14.10.1917); Clyne Castle (1907, 252, 9.1914 - 1919); Coadjutor (1915, 207, 3.1915 - 1919); Cockatrice, 2.1915- Cockatrice II (1894, 115, 11.1914 - 6.1915); Colleague (1915, 207, 5.1915 - 1919); Collena (1915, 293, 5.1915 - 1919); Coltman (1907, 312, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Columba (1893, 138, 5.1916 - 10.3.1918); Columbia (1888, 266, 9.1914 - 1.5.1915); Commandant (1915, 207, 4.1915 - 2.4.1916); Commander Fullerton (1915, 227, 9.1917 - 12.12.1917); Commander Nasmith (1915, 243, 9.1915 - 1919); Commissioner (1905, 161, 2-76, 3.1917 - 1919); Companion (1903, 163, 3.1917 - 1919); Comrade (1906, 161, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Concord, 12.1915- Concord III (1905, 235, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Condor (1905, 227, 11.1914 - 22.11.1914); Condor (1900, 191, 11.1914 - 1919); Conductor (1903, 163, 10.1915 - 1919); Confederate (1913, 202, 8.1914 - 1919); Congo (1897, 152, 11.1914 - 1.1917); Coningsby (1906, 257, 9.1914 - 1919); Connie (1900, 198, 6.1915 - 1919); Consort (1909, 181, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Controller (1913, 201, 8.1914 - 1919); Conway (1904, 228, 6.1915 - 1919); Conway Castle (1916, 274, 3.1916 - 1919); Coot (1906, 172, 2-76, 11.1914 - 1920); Coquet (1901, 174, 6.1915 - 1919); Corcyra (1914, 225, 8.1914 - 20.2.1915); Corella (ex-Renown) (1907, 243, 12.1914 - 1919); Corientes (1910, 280, 2.1915 - 23.6.1917); Cormorant IV (1897, 162, 11.1914 - 1919); Cornelian (1917, 262, 1-76, 9.1917 - 1919); Corona (1912, 212, 2.1915 - 23.3.1916); Coronatia (1902, 185, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Corrie Roy (1915, 327, 1-76, 11.1915 - 1919); Cortina (1913, 213, 4.1915 - 1919); Corythaix (1910, 280, 2.1915 - 1920); Cotsmuir (1915, 243, 6.1915 - 2.2.1917); Courser (1905, 227, 10.1916 - 1920); Courtier (1910, 181, 1.1915 - 6.1.1916); Craig Island (1914, 210, 1.1915 - 1919); Craigendarroch (ex-John C. Meihle) (1910, 198, 6.1915 - 1919); Craigewan (1910, 204, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Craigmillar (1896, 112, 8.1917 - 1920); Craigmore (1916, 210, 6.1916 - 1919); Craik (1915, 219, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Cramond Island (1910, 180, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Crathie (1911, 210, 8.1914 - 27.8.1914); Crathie (1916, 225, 11.1916 - 16.12.1916); Croton (1898, 149, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Croupier (1914, 302, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Croxby (1911, 215, 5.1915 - 1919); Cuckoo, 5.1918- Nightjar (1896, 156, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Cuirass (1915, 321, 5.1915 - 1919); Culblean (1911, 210, 8.1914 - 1919); Cyelse (1912, 237, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Cygnet, 3.1917- Cygnet II (1907, 300, 8.1915 - 1919); Cyrano (1905, 214, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); D. W. Fitzgerald (1916, 235, 4.1916 - 1919); Dagon (1914, 250, 1-76, 6.1915 - 8.12.1916); Dahlia, 10.1915- Dahlia II (1889, 154, 1.1915 - 7.1918); Daimler (ex-S. L. Haldane) (1910, 257, 8.1914 - 1920); Dale (1900, 198, 12.1914 - 6.1915); Dale Castle (1909, 246, 2.1915 - 1919); Dalmatian (1900, 186, 1.1915 - 2.1915); Dandini (1917, 212, 4.1917 - 1919); Dane (1913, 265, 4.1915 - 28.8.1915); Dane, 6.1915- Dane II (1911, 346, 4.1915 - 1919); Daneston (1915, 239, 6.1915 - 1920); Darogah (1914, 221, 5.1915 - 1920); Darraco (ex-H. A. L. Russell) (1910, 256, 1-102/40, 12.1914 - 1919); Davara (1912, 291, 11.1914 - 1919); De La Pole (1911, 255, 5.1915 - 4.2.1916); Delphine (1914, 250, 5.1915 - 1919); Delphinus (ex-Amelia) (1906, 257, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Dentaria (1908, 259, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1920); Derby, 10.1918- Debeney (1896, 144, 5.1915 - 1919); Desiree (1912, 213, 8.1914 - 1919); Destinn (1914, 226, 5.1915 - 1919); Devanha (1901, 196, 8.1915 - 1919); Deveron (1905, 233, 11.1914 - 1919); Dewsland (1907, 236, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Dhoon (1916, 275, 1-76, 9.1916 - 24.11.1916); Diamond, 6.1915- Diamond II (1913, 289, 4.1915 - 1919); Diana (1899, 172, 2-76, 6.1915 - 1920); Dinas (1909, 219, 8.1914 - 1919); Dinorah (ex-Picton Castle) (1903, 192, 8.1914 - 1919); Diver (1900, 207, 12.1914 - 12.1915); Doctor Lee (1914, 307, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Dogger Bank (1913, 274, 8.1916 - 1920); Don (1898, 163, 6.1915 - 1919); Donalda (1914, 226, 5.1915 - 1919); Donna Nook (1915, 307, 1-76, 2.1916 - 1919); Donside (1900, 182, 8.1914 - 7.1.1917); Dorando (1895, 139, 12.1914 - 7.1918); Dorcas (1906, 173, 8.1914 - 1919); Doreen (ex-Braconhill) (1903, 194, 5.1916 - 1919); Dorinda (1917, 270, 1-76, 2.1917 - 1919); Dorothy Gray (1908, 199, 8.1914 - 1919); Dove, 2.1915- Dove II (1897, 168, 11.1914 - 1919); Dover (1896, 163, 10.1914 - 12.1918); Downiehills (1917, 227, 5.1917 - 1919); Draco (1895, 139, 1.1915 - 1919); Dragon, 3.1917- Dragon II (1906, 214, 11.1914 - 1919); Drake, 2.1915- Drake II (1900, 207, 11.1914 - 3.7.1917); Dreadnought II (1907, 150, 2.1917 - 1919); Drumblade (1900, 195, 9.1914 - 1919); Drummer Boy (1916, 209, 1-76, 9.1916 - 1919); Drumoak (1902, 208, 8.1914 - 5.10.1914); Drumtochty (1915, 211, 10.1915 - 29.1.1918); Drusilla (1914, 250, 1-75, 5.1915 - 1919); Drypool (1911, 331, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Dunnet (1914, 205, 2.1917 - 1919); Dunraven astle (1917, 276, 1-76, 6.1917 - 1919); Durban (1897, 152, 12.1914 - 10.1915); Durga (1911, 216, 8.1914 - 1919); Duster (1911, 192, 11.1914 - 17.12.1917); Eagle, 2.1915- Eaglet, 4.1918- Owlet (1899, 163, 12.1914 - 1919); Earl Essex (1914, 225, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1920); Earl Granard (ex-Pauline) (1904, 211, 4.1915 - 1919); Earl Kitchener (1915, 348, 1-76, 10.1915 - 1920); Earl Lennox (1914, 226, 4.1915 - 23.10.1917); Earl of Buchan (1916, 227, 6.1915 - 1919); Earl of Warwick (ex-Thora) (1905, 208, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); East Coast (ex-Horace Stroud) (1907, 202, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Eastella (1903, 183, 5.1915 - 1919); Eastward Ho (1893, 162, 2.1915 - 12.1918); Ebro, 6.1915- Ebro II (1898, 175, 12.1914 - 1921); Eccleshill (1911, 226, 3.1917 - 1919); Echo (1897, 165, 9.1915 - 1921); Edinburgh Castle (ex-Magnific) (1899, 241, 6.1915 - 1919); Edison (1898, 196, 12.1914 - 6.7.1915); Editor (1899, 169, 1-76, 12.1914 - 9.1918); Edward VII (1906, 231, 8.1914 - 1919); Edwardian (1912, 296, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Edwina (1915, 267, 1-76, 10.1915 - 1919); Eider (1899, 168, 8.1914 - 1919); Eileen Duncan (1910, 223, 1.1915 - 1919); Elcho (1908, 155, 9.1914 - 1919); Electra, 8.1915- Electra II (1904, 269, 7.1915 - 1919); Elf King (1913, 289, 1-76, 2.1917 - 1919); Elise (1907, 239, 6.1915 - 22.9.1918); Elite (1902, 180, 9.1914 - 1919); Elk (1898, 169, 11.1914 - 1919); Elk II (1902, 181, 12.1914 - 7.1918); Ellesmere (1903, 183, 3.1917 - 1919); Elm (1899, 168, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1920); Elmira (1914, 197, 3.1915 - 1919); Elsie (1896, 184, 1.1915 - 1919); Elswick (1906, 215, 7.1915 - 1919); Elvina (1914, 201, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Ely (1903, 183, 5.1915 - 1919); Elysian (1912, 214, 1.1915 - 1919); Emerald (1913, 289, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Emilion (1914, 201, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Emley (1911, 223, 1-76, 10.1914 - 28.4.1918); Emperor (1903, 181, 9.1914 - 2.1915); Empyrean (1914, 215, 9.1914 - 1920); Emu (1900, 164, 5.1915 - 1919); Endeavour (1894, 156, 6.1915 - 10.3.1918); Endon (1914, 235, 4.1915 - 1919); English Rose (1914, 188, 9.1914 - 1919); Epworth (1912, 223, 11.1914 - 22.5.1917); Equator (1899, 168, 12.1914 - 11.1918); Equinox (ex-Catulus) (1899, 198, 6.1915 - 8.1915); Era (1899, 168, 10.1914 - 11.7.1916); Eric Stroud (1914, 213, 3.1915 - 1919); Erillus (1914, 201, 3.1915 - 1919); Erin, 2.1915- Erin II (1903, 181, 9.1914 - 19.10.1915); Ermine (1903, 181, 5.1915 - 1919); Erna (1915, 330, 5.1915 - 1920); Erne (1899, 168, 10.1914 - 11.1918); Eroican (1914, 225, 8.1914 - 1920); Eros (1907, 286, 12.1914 - 5.9.1917); Escallonia (1911, 285, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Escort (1897, 165, 9.1915 - 1921); Esher (1914, 235, 4.1915 - 1919); Eske (1906, 290, 2.1915 - 1920); Essex, 2.1915- Essex II (1906, 220, 8.1914 - 1919); Essex, 4.1917- Essex III (1903, 183, 3.1917 - 1919); Ethel (1907, 278, 6.1915 - 1919); Ethel Nutten (1906, 182, 3.1917 - 1919); Ethelwulf (1903, 185, 8.1914 - 1.1915); Etna (1907, 189, 3.1917 - 12.1918); Etoile Polaire (1915, 278, 3.1915 - 3.12.1915); Eton (1897, 165, 9.1915 - 1920); Etrurian (1900, 186, 11.1914 - 1919); Etruscan (1913, 202, 9.1915 - 1919); Eureka (1897, 165, 9.1915 - 1921); Euripides (1907, 307, 7.1915 - 1919); Euston (1906, 209, 6.1915 - 12.2.1917); Eva Wales (1915, 251, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Evadne (1907, 189, 9.1914 - 2.1917); Evangel (1914, 197, 3.1915 - 25.3.1917); Eveline Nutten (1915, 183, 5.1915 - 1919); Evelyn (1906, 235, 8.1914 - 1919); Everest (1907, 189, 9.1914 - 1919); Everton (1915, 239, 5.1915 - 1919); Evesham (1915, 239, 6.1915 - 1919); Exmouth, 2.1915- Exmouth II (1912, 236, 8.1914 - 1919); Expert (1894, 156, 9.1914 - 1919); Exyahne (1914, 226, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Fair Isle, 5.1917- Fair Isle II (1909, 192, 8.1914 - 26.12.1914, 4.1917 - 1920); Fair View (1909, 187, 8.1914 - 1919); Falmouth, 2.1915- Falmouth II (1897, 165, 12.1914 - 1919); Falmouth, 4.1915- Falmouth III (1909, 198, 8.1914 - 19.11.1915); Falstaff (1906, 173, 10.1915 - 1919); Fane (1907, 269, 8.1914 - 1919); Faraday (1916, 322, 1-76, 11.1916 - 1919); Favorita (1916, 314, 1-76, 12.1917 - 1919); Fentonian (1913, 221, 3.1915 - 1919); Ferriby (1913, 324, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Feugh (1916, 227, 6.1917 - 1919); Fezenta (1914, 228, 3.1915 - 1919); Fiat (1916, 314, 1-76, 1.1918 - 1919); Fifinella (1916, 314, 7.1917 - 1919); Filey (1914, 226, 1-76, 3.1915 - 2.10.1916, 7.1918 - 1920); Fishergate (1905, 205, 2.1915 - 1919); Fishtoft (1901, 188, 11.1914 - 1919); Flandre (1915, 226, 9.1915 - 12.1918); Flicker (1911, 192, 11.1914 - 4.3.1916); Flint Castle (1916, 275, 12.1916 - 1919); Flintshire (1916, 215, 4.1916 - 1.1926); Florence Dombey (ex-Wyre) (1900, 182, 9.1915 - 9.1918); Florio (1916, 314, 1-76, 10.1917 - 1919); Flying Wing (1915, 226, 11.1915 - 1919); Fort Albert (1906, 193, 8.1914 - 1919); Fort Edward (1908, 208, 4.1915 - 1919); Fort George (1902, 180, 3.1917 - 11.1918); Forward, 5.1915- Forward II (1906, 250, 4.1915 - 1919); Forward Ho (1915, 269, 7.1915 - 1919); Fosdyke (1908, 245, 8.1914 - 1919); Foss (1916, 275, 1-76, 5.1916 - 1919); Franc Tireur (1916, 314, 1-76, 6.1917 - 1919); Frascati (1914, 220, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Fraser (1907, 310, 4.1915 - 17.6.1917); Freesia (1911, 285, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Friesland (ex-Balmoral Castle) (1899, 268, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Fuji (1912, 255, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Fulmar (1899, 231, 5.1915 - 17.1.1916); G. M. (1910, 225, 8.1914 - 1919); Gabir (1909, 219, 5.1915 - 24.5.1918); Gadra (1909, 219, 4.1915 - 1919); Gaelic (1890, 159, 1.1915 - 2.1915); Gallinule (1907, 238, 1.1915 - 1919); Gambri (1916, 274, 4.1917 - 18.1.1918); Gamecock (1905, 171, 11.1914 - 1919); Ganton (1914, 330, 5.1915 - 1919); Gardenia (1891, 146, 12.1914 - 11.1918); Garmo (1900, 203, 11.1914 - 20.12.1914); Garnet (1916, 251, 2.1917 - 1919); Garola (1912, 249, 2.1915 - 12.1918); Garu (11911, 215, 3.1915 - 1919); Gaul (1905, 270, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1920); Gavina (1915, 289, 1-76, 4.1916 - 1919); Gelsina (1915, 226, 2.1916 - 25.6.1917); General Botha, 3.1919- Island Prince (1916, 245, 12.1916 - 1919); General Gordon (1905, 267, 3.1917 - 1920); General Joffre (1914, 194, 4.1915 - 1919); George D. Irvin (1911, 194, 8.1914 - 1919); George H. Hastie (1916, 229, 8.1916 - 1919); George Milburn (1916, 235, 7.1916 - 12.7.1917); George Scott (1916, 209, 3.1916 - 1919); George Stroud (ex-Loch Earn) (1906, 202, 8.1914 - 1919); Gertrude Cappleman (1915, 195, 6.1915 - 1920); Gillygate (1905, 207, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Glamis Castle (1902, 203, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Glatian (1913, 220, 11.1914 - 1919); Glenbervie (1915, 224, 1-76, 11.1915 - 1919); Glenboyne (1915, 224, 9.1915 - 4.1.1919); Glenesk (1907, 226, 8.1914 - 1919); Glenogil (1902, 203, 8.1915 - 1919); Glenprosen 1907, 224, 8.1914 - 3.11.1916); Glenroy (1895, 137, 12.1914 - 1919); Gloria (1907, 264, 6.1915 - 1919); Gloria, 7.1915- Gloria II (1907, 187, 8.1914 - 1919); Goeland II (1915, 245, 3.1915 - 1919); Gonzalo (1906, 173, 6.1915 - 1919); Good Hope (1903, 256, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1921); Good Luck (1912, 294, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Goosander (1908, 238, 1.1915 - 1919); Goshawk, 5.1915- Goshawk II (1900, 208, 12.1914 - 1919); Gowan (1905, 173, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1920); Gozo (1902, 172, 10.1914 - 1919); Grace Wetherly (1917, 270, 3.1917 - 1919); Grackle (1915, 191, 1.1915 - 1919); Grand Duke (1915, 327, 1-76, 11.1915 - 1919); Granton N. B. (1912, 180, 8.1914 - 1919); Granuweal (1909, 174, 11.1914 - 1919); Grecian (1896, 119, 1.1915 - 7.1915); Grecian Empire (1899, 195, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Greg Ness (1917, 240, 4.1917 - 1919); Grenada (1907, 183, 10.1914 - 1919); Grenadier (ex-Grenada) (1907, 219, 12.1914 - 1919); Greta, 5.1915- Greta II (1906, 273, 8.1914 - 1919); Grimenco (ex-Alroy) (1899, 153, 4.1917 - 1919); Grimsby (1896, 163, 1.1915 - 7.1918); Grosbeak (1910, 192, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Grouse (1897, 167, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Guillemot (1900, 208, 12.1914 - 1919); Gull (1897, 166, 10.1914 - 1919); Gurth (1905, 226, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Gwenllian (1911, 220, 8.1914 - 1919); H. E. Stroud (1915, 214, 4.1915 - 1919); Hamlet (1906, 311, 11.1914 - 1919); Harlech Castle (1916, 275, 4.1916 - 1919); Harry Ross (1901, 183, 6.1915 - 1919); Hatano (1912, 255, 5.1915 - 1919); Hawk (1897, 243, 11.1914 - 17.2.1917); Helcia (1906, 230, 1.1915 - 1919); Helgian (1914, 220, 12.1914 - 6.9.1917); Helios (1903, 201, 4.1915 - 5.1915); Helvetia (1917, 261, 4.1917 - 1919); Hene Castle (1915, 274, 1-76, 12.1915 - 1919); Henry Grattan (ex-Diadem) (1903, 212, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); Heortnesse (1911, 198, 9.1914 - 1919); Hercules II (1898, 165, 12.1914 - 1919); Hercules, 3.1915- Hercules III (1906, 238, 12.1914 - 1919); Hercules IV (1903, 261, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Hermia (1900, 216, 6.1915 - 1919); Hero (1907, 226, 8.1914 - 1920); Heron (1902, 223, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Heugh (1914, 200, 5.1915 - 1919); Hibernia, 5.1915- Hibernia II (1907, 216, 8.1914 - 1919); Hirose (1915, 274, 6.1916 - 29.6.1916); Hobart (1902, 172, 9.1915 - 1919); Holdene (1915, 274, 1-76, 9.1915 - 2.2.1917); Holyrood (1914, 210, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Hondo (1912, 229, 8.1914 - 1919); Honjo (1917, 275, 1-76, 1.1918 - 1.1918); Horace Stroud (1910, 207, 8.1914 - 1919); Horatio (1906, 174, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Hornsea (1900, 305, 8.1916 - 1920); Hortensia (ex-Conquest) (1907, 244, 8.1916 - 10.1918); Houbara (1911, 293, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Howe, 3.1917- Howe II (1896, 134, 12.1914 - 7.1918); Hungarian (1900, 186, 11.1914 - 1919); Hunter (1903, 185, 8.1914 - 1919); Huxley (ex-Khedive) (1899, 191, 6.1915 - 1919); Hydra, 7.1916- Hydra II (1906, 214, 10.1915 - 1919); Iago (1907, 206, 3.1915 - 1919); Ibis (1903, 168, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Iceland (1916, 312, 10.1916 - 12.1918); Ida Adams (ex-Ruby) (1907, 275, 1-102/40, 8.1914 - 1919); Idena (1917, 270, 1-76, 3.1917 - 5.2.1918); Ijuin (1911, 257, 5.1915 - 22.7.1918); Ilustra (1914, 448, 1-102/40, 8.1914 - 1919); Imelda (1914, 251, 9.1914 - 1919); Imperia (1912, 213, 9.1914 - 1919); Imperial Queen (1914, 246, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Inawilliam (1913, 337, 1-76, 4.1915 - 30.5.1917); Inchgarth (1917, 226, 3.1917 - 1919); Inchkeith (1906, 174, 12.1914 - 1919); Indian Empire (1907, 289, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Ipswich (1896, 161, 12.1914 - 1919); Iranian (1913, 202, 3.1915 - 1919); Irawadi (ex-Hector) (1906, 238, 8.1914 - 10.8.1916); Irene Wray (1914, 216, 5.1915 - 1919); Isabella Fowlie (1911, 196, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Isernia (1899, 198, 7.1915 - 1920); Island Prince (1911, 205, 8.1914 - 1919); Isle of Man (1905, 176, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Isle of Wight (1905, 176, 10.1914 - 1919); Italy (1896, 145, 12.1914 - 3.9.1916); Itonian (1914, 288, 1.1916 - 1919); Ivanhoe (1898, 190, 10.1914 - 3.11.1914); Izaak Walton (1907, 252, 1-102/40, 11.1914 - 1919); Jaboo II (1915, 236, 5.1915 - 1919); Jacamar (1911, 293, 1-76, 5.1915 - 28.1.1917); Jacinta (1915, 239, 12.1915 - 1920); Jacinth (1914, 248, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Jamaica (1914, 205, 2.1917 - 1919); James B. Graham (1914, 198, 9.1914 - 1919); James Pitchers (1911, 197, 8.1914 - 1919); James S. Melville (1911, 211, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Jane Ross (1901, 184, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); Janus, 12.1914- Janus II (1905, 240, 8.1914 - 1920); Japan (1904, 205, 8.1914 - 16.8.1915); Jason (1898, 176, 8.1914 - 9.1914); Jay (1897, 166, 10.1914 - 11.8.1917); Jeanie Stewart (1916, 210, 6.1916 - 1919); Jellicoe, 7.1915- Rushcoe (1915, 338, 1-102/40, 1-76, 7.1915 - 1919); Jeria (1916, 344, 12.1916 - 12.1917); Jericho (ex-Sir John Jellicoe) (1914, 351, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1920); Jessica (1906, 173, 8.1914 - 1919); Jessie Nutten (1903, 187, 8.1914 - 4.9.1916); Johannesburg (1903, 181, 10.1915 - 1919); John C. Meikle (1914, 194, 11.1914 - 1919); John Donovan (1914, 206, 12.1914 - 1919); John E. Lewis (1911, 253, 8.1914 - 16.1.1918); John G. Watson (1910, 196, 11.1914 - 31.10.1915); John G. Watson (1916, 235, 1.1917 - 1919); John H. Irvin (1913, 199, 6.1915 - 1919); John High (1915, 223, 1.1916 - 7.8.1916); John Sherburn (1902, 244, 12.1914 - 6.3.1915); John T. Graham (1912, 198, 10.1914 - 1919); Joseph & Sarah Miles (1902, 272, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1920); Juliet (1906, 173, 9.1914 - 1919); Junco (1917, 191, 1-76, 1.1918 - 1919); Kalmia (1894, 189, 5.1915 - 7.10.1918); Kalmia, 8.1915- Kalmia II (1898, 184, 1.1915 - 1919); Kaphreda (ex-A. G.) (1911, 245, 8.1914 - 8.6.1916); Kastoria (1917, 307, 1-76, 1.1917 - 1919); Kate Lewis (1916, 207, 8.1916 - 1939); Kathleen Burton (1914, 197, 6.1915 - 1919); Kelvin (1915, 322, 11.1915 - 7.7.1917); Kennet (1899, 167, 6.1915 - 1919); Kennymore (1914, 225, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Kensington (1900, 172, 11.1914 - 1919); Kidwelly Castle (1907, 259, 4.1915 - 1919); Killdeer (1913, 192, 11.1914 - 1919); Kimberley (1902, 190, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Kinaldie (1914, 197, 11.1914 - 1919); Kincorth (1909, 148, 2.1917 - 1920); Kinellar (1917, 216, 6.1917 - 1919); King Arthur (1899, 159, 6.1915 - 1920); King Edward (1900, 153, 1.1915 - 1919); King Egbert (1899, 159, 6.1915 - 1920); King Emperor (1914, 246, 5.1915 - 1919); King Erik (1899, 228, 4.1915 - 1919); King Frederick (ex-King Frederick III) (1909, 260, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); King Lear (1906, 311, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); King Richard (1900, 162, 10.1915 - 1920); King Stephen (1900, 162, 2.1916 - 25.4.1916); King`s Grey (1915, 338, 1-75, 5.1915 - 1919); Kingston (1897, 161, 6.1915 - 1919); Kingsway (1905, 211, 12.1914 - 1919); Kirkland (1908, 224, 8.1914 - 20.8.1917); Kirklinton (1916, 227, 4.1916 - 1919); Kirton (1886, 125, 5.1916 - 1919); Kite, 2.1915- Kite II (1903, 168, 11.1914 - 1919); Klondyke (1898, 155, 10.1914 - 4.6.1916); Knot (1903, 168, 11.1914 - 5.11.1916); Kodama (1911, 257, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Koorah (1912, 227, 8.1914 - 1919); Kosmos (1916, 231, 4.1916 - 1919); Kudos (1911, 207, 4.1915 - 1919); Kumu (1913, 315, 9.1914 - 1919); Kunishi (1917, 268, 1-76, 7.1917 - 1919); Kuroki (1909, 248, 11.1914 - 1919); Kymric (1891, 126, 2.1915 - 1919); Lacerta (1911, 270, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Ladysmith (1906, 254, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1920); Lanercost (1916, 227, 1-76, 1.1916 - 1919); Lapageria (1916, 274, 1-76, 10.1916 - 1919); Lapwing, 2.1915- Lapwing II (1894, 152, 1.1915 - 10.1918); Lapwing, 5.1915- Lapwing III (1904, 217, 8.1914 - 1919); Lark, 2.1915- Lark II (1907, 280, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Laurel, 2.1915- Laurel II (1897, 138, 11.1914 - 11.1918); Lavinia (1900, 198, 5.1915 - 1919); Lawrenny Castle (1908, 256, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Leam (1917, 236, 1.1917 - 1919); Leander, 2.1915- Leandros (1907, 276, 8.1914 - 6.8.1915); Leith N. B. (1914, 203, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Lemberg (1914, 275, 1-76, 7.1915 - 1919); Lena Melling (1915, 274, 11.1915 - 23.4.1916); Leonora (1904, 217, 8.1914 - 1920); Leukos (1914, 216, 6.1915 - 1919); Leven (1900, 168, 6.1915 - 1919); Leyland (1917, 236, 3.1917 - 1919); Leys (1916, 222, 3.1917 - 1919); Liberia (1896, 250, 8.1914 - 1919); Libra (1912, 211, 9.1914 - 1919); Libyan (1913, 202, 2.1915 - 1919); Lily Melling (1908, 246, 12.1914 - 1919); Limewold (ex-Derwent) (1898, 169, 12.1914 - 1919); Linn O`Dee (1915, 227, 11.1915 - 1919); Linnet (ex-Her Majesty) (1887, 142, 6.1915 - 7.1918); Livingstone (1900, 213, 8.1914 - 12.12.1917); Lizzie (1907, 278, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1920); Lizzie Melling (1904, 207, 6.1915 - 1919); Lobelia, 12.1915- Lobelia II (1898, 184, 4.1915 - 19.4.1917); Loch Ard (1912, 225, 8.1914 - 10.9.1917); Loch Assater (1910, 210, 4.1915 - 1919); Loch Awe (1909, 216, 4.1915 - 1919); Loch Broom (1907, 197, 8.1914 - 1919); Loch Buie (1915, 221, 1-76, 3.1916 - 1919); Loch Doon (1907, 198, 8.1914 - 1919); Loch Esk (1908, 215, 8.1914 - 1920); Loch Eye (1916, 225, 9.1916 - 20.4.1917); Loch Garry (1903, 176, 1.1916 - 14.9.1916); Loch Hourn (1912, 209, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Loch Kildonan (1907, 211, 8.1914 - 1919); Loch Lee (1910, 210, 3.1915 - 1919); Loch Loyal (1907, 196, 8.1914 - 1919); Loch Lyon (1916, 225, 1-76, 7.1916 - 1919); Loch Maree (1910, 215, 4.1915 - 1919); Loch Morar (1912, 228, 8.1914 - 1919); Loch Naver (1906, 216, 2.1915 - 13.5.1918); Loch Rannoch (1901, 178, 9.1916 - 1919); Loch Shiel (1909, 216, 4.1915 - 26.9.1916); Loch Tummel (1912, 228, 4.1915 - 14.7.1918); Loch Wasdale (1915, 210, 1-76, 10.1915 - 1919); Lois (1910, 310, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Lombard (1909, 272, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1920); Longset (1914, 275, 5.1915 - 6.2.1917); Loon (1914, 191, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Lord Airedale (1911, 215, 2.1915 - 29.11.1916); Lord Allendale (1911, 215, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Lord Alverstone (1917, 247, 6.1917 - 12.12.1917); Lord Ashby (1911, 215, 3.1915 - 1919); Lord Cecil (1916, 228, 1-76, 7.1916 - 1919); Lord De Ramsey (1911, 215, 2.1915 - 1919); Lord Denman (1914, 309, 1-76, 6.1915 - 22.10.1915); Lord Durham (1911, 215, 2.1915 - 1919); Lord George (ex-St. George) (1905, 229, 2.1915 - 1919); Lord Grey (1911, 215, 3.1915 - 2.12.1917); Lord Hardinge (1917, 212, 1.1917 - 9.4.1918); Lord Heneage (1909, 324, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Lord Knollys (1911, 285, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Lord Lansdowne (1913, 289, 1-76, 2.1917 - 1919); Lord Lister (1912, 285, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Lord Mersey (1916, 326, 1-76, 4.1916 - 1919); Lord Minto (1914, 295, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Lord Northcliffe (1916, 228, 3.1916 - 1919); Lord Percy (1911, 215, 3.1915 - 1920); Lord Reading (1916, 326, 1-76, 4.1916 - 1919); Lord Ridley (1911, 215, 2.1915 - 10.5.1917); Lord Roberts (1907, 293, 1-76, 11.1914 - 10.5.1917); Lord Salisbury (1911, 285, 1-76, 1.1915 - 4.5.1917); Lord Selborne (1917, 247, 1-76, 10.1917 - 1919); Lord Stanhope (1916, 212, 1-76, 9.1916 - 1919); Lord Wimborne (1911, 215, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Lord Wolmer (1911, 215, 3.1915 - 1919); Lordship (ex-Lord Fisher) (1915, 351, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Lorenzo (1906, 173, 9.1914 - 17.12.1914); Loroone (1913, 214, 6.1915 - 1919); Lotos (1914, 216, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Louis Botha (1916, 226, 6.1916 - 1919); Louise (1907, 270, 8.1914 - 1920); Loyal Prince (1913, 208, 8.1914 - 1919); Lucida (1914, 251, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Lucknow (1903, 171, 10.1914 - 18.5.1917); Lunan Bay (ex-Maggie Walker) (1888, 126, 6.1915 - 1919); Lundy (1908, 188, 5.1915 - 16.8.1915); Lune (1900, 197, 1.1915 - 1919); Luneda (1912, 288, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Lydian (1908, 244, 8.1914 - 18.9.1915); Lynmouth (1892, 140, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Lynx, 2.1915- Lynx II (1906, 250, 9.1914 - 1919); Lysander, 2.1915- Lysander II (1903, 264, 8.1914 - 1919); Lysander (ex-Karslvina), 6.1915- Lysander III (5/1915 - 11.1918); M. A. Dodds (1892, 150, 6.1915 - 8.1918); Macaw (1909, 187, 8.1914 - 1919); Macbeth (1906, 311, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Macduff, 9.1917- Macduff II (1906, 179, 6.1915 - 1919); Macfarlane (1908, 284, 2.1915 - 1919); Mackenzie (1911, 335, 8.1914 - 1919); Macleay (1913, 317, 1-76, 2.1917 - 1919); Mafeking (1903, 181, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Magneta (1915, 322, 1-76, 9.1915 - 1919); Magnolia, 7.1915- Magnolia II (1897, 213, 1.1915 - 1919); Magnolia, 8.1915- Magnolia III (1898, 184, 7.1915 - 1919); Magpie, 8.1915- Magpie II (1904, 278, 11.1914 - 1919); Malta (1897, 138, 11.1914 - 1.9.1915); Manor (1913, 314, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Manorbier Castle (1898, 153, 6.1915 - 1920); Manx Admiral (1912, 219, 12.1914 - 1919); Manx Hero (ex-Berian) (1910, 221, 8.1914 - 10.3.1915); Manx Hero (1916, 235, 7.1916 - 1919); Manx King (1916, 235, 4.1916 - 1919); Max Prince (1910, 220, 8.1914 - 1919); Manx Queen (1915, 234, 6.1915 - 1.3.1916); Marconi (1916, 322, 1-76, 8.1916 - 1919); Margaret Duncan (1913, 224, 12.1914 - 1919); Margaret Wetherly (1911, 211, 6.1915 - 1920); Margate (1897, 161, 11.1914 - 24.4.1917); Marion (1891, 128, 8.1914 - 23.2.1918); Maristo (1914, 287, 1-76, 12.1915 - 1919); Marlborough (1907, 213, 12.1914 - 1919); Marloes (1911, 220, 8.1914 - 1919); Marne, 1.1916- Marne II (1915, 257, 4.1915 - 1919); Martin, 2.1915- Martin II (1897, 242, 1-76, 11.1914 - 11.1916); Martineta (1909, 279, 10.1916 - 1920); Marton (1905, 232, 6.1915 - 1919); Mary (1906, 256, 8.1914 - 5.11.1914); Mary Wetherly (1907, 221, 4.1915 - 1919); Mastwing (1908, 199, 11.1914 - 1919); Maun (1906, 271, 8.1914 - 1919); Max Pemberton (1917, 334, 1-76, 6.1917 - 1919); Maximus i(ex-Ulleswater) i(1898, 236, 12.1914 - 1919); Mediator (1912, 178, 9.1914 - 2.1.1916); Mena (1914, 234, 2.1915 - 1920); Merisia (1912, 291, 9.1914 - 1919); Merlin (1899, 186, 5.1915 - 1920); Merlin, 8.1915- Merlin II (1906, 172, 10.1914 - 1919); Meror (ex-Emperor) (1905, 250, 11.1914 - 1920); Merrydale (1906, 225, 5.1915 - 1919); Merse (1914, 296, 1-76, 2.1915 - 22.5.1917); Mewslade (1916, 275, 4.1916 - 1919); Michael Angelo (1911, 285, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Mikado (1905, 265, 2.1915 - 1919); Mikasa (1913, 255, 5.1915 - 1919); Miletus (1915, 313, 1-76, 9.1915 - 1919); Miningsby (1908, 245, 9.1914 - 1919); Mino (1903, 163, 11.1914 - 1919); Minoru, 11.1917- Minoru II (1909, 260, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1920); Miranda, 2.1915- Miranda III (1906, 173, 9.1914 - 14.1.1918); Miriam Stewart (1914, 197, 9.1914 - 1919); Mitres (1917, 261, 12.1917 - 1919); Miura (1911, 257, 2.1915 - 23.8.1915); Miura (1916, 275, 1-76, 8.1916 - 1919); Monarch, 8.1915- Monarch III (1904, 234, 1-76, 7.1915 - 1919); Mopsa (1907, 206, 3.1915 - 1919); Moravia (1917, 206, 1-76, 6.1917 - 1919); Moray (1915, 201, 5.1915 - 1919); Morning Star (1900, 145, 6.1916 - 1919); Morococala (1915, 265, 4.1915 - 19.11.1917); Morven (1902, 198, 6.1915 - 1919); Morvina (1914, 226, 4.1915 - 1919); Myna (1912, 333, 2.1915 - 1919); Nadine (ex-Niobe) (1898, 150, 11.1914 - 1.9.1915); Naiade (ex-St. Clear) (1907, 240, 3.1916 - 1919); Nairana, 3.1917- Nairana II (1913, 225, 11.1915 - 1919); Nancy Hague (1911, 299, 3.1915 - 1919); Narval (1910, 211, 1-76, 3.1916 - 26.11.1916); Natal, 2.1915- Natal II (1903, 208, 8.1914 - 1919); Nautilus, 7.1916- Nautilus II (1905, 257, 3.1916 - 1919); Neath Castle (1913, 225, 5.1915 - 14.8.1916); Neath Castle (1916, 275, 1-76, 11.1915 - 1919); Neil Gow (1911, 255, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1920); Nellie Braddock (1913, 314, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Nellie Dodds (1911, 220, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Nellie Nutten (1901, 184, 8.1914 - 11.7.1916); Neptunian (1913, 315, 5.1915 - 27.10.1918); Neree (1909, 230, 3.1916 - 1919); Nerissa, 12.1915- Nerissa II (1906, 173, 8.1915 - 28.2.1918); New Comet (1910, 177, 5.1915 - 20.1.1917); New Zealand, 4.1918- Hokianga (1898, 290, 8.1916 - 1920); Newbridge (1906, 228, 5.1915 - 19.11.1917); Newhaven N. B. (1909, 182, 8.1914 - 1919); Newland (1903, 245, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Night Hawk (1911, 287, 8.1914 - 25.12.1914); Night Hawk (1916, 307, 3.1916 - 1919); Nile (1898, 196, 6.1915 - 1919); Ninus (1912, 292, 2-76, 6.1915 - 1919); Nodzu (1911, 257, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1.1.1919); Nogi (1903, 257, 11.1914 - 1919); Noogana (1914, 237, 5.1915 - 1919); Norbreck (1905, 201, 4.1915 - 1919); Norman, 12.1915- Norman II (1911, 346, 5.1915 - 1919); Norman, 7.1916- Norman III (1894, 120, 6.1915 - 1919); Norse (1914, 279, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); North King (1906, 194, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); North King, 12.1914- North King II (1906, 271, 8.1914 - 1919); North Queen (1906, 195, 11.1914 - 1919); North Star, 12.1915- North Star III (1907, 188, 8.1914 - 1919); Northern Prince (1913, 208, 8.1914 - 1919); Northman (1911, 197, 8.1914 - 1919); Northumbria (1906, 211, 1-76, 9.1914 - 3.3.1917); Northward (1906, 204, 11.1914 - 1919); Novelli (1916, 226, 1-76, 5.1916 - 1919); Numitor (1903, 242, 1-76, 3.1916 - 20.4.1918); Nylghau (1908, 261, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Oakwold (1895, 129, 1.1915 - 11.1915); Ocean Comrade (ex-Pesha) (1892, 133, 8.1914 - 3.1918); Ocean Prince (1902, 203, 9.1914 - 1920); Ocean Princess (1902, 203, 8.1914 - 1919); Ocean Queen (1906, 284, 11.1914 - 1919); Ocean Scout I (1915, 200, 7.1915 - 21.12.1917); Oceanic, 2.1915- Oceanic II (1893, 168, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Octoroon (1914, 195, 4.1915 - 1919); Offa, 12.1915- Offa II (1913, 313, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Okino (1914, 241, 8.1914 - 8.3.1915); Okino (1917, 311, 1-76, 7.1917 - 1919); Oku (1909, 248, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Oldham (1898, 165, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Olivine (1905, 289, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Olympia (1917, 261, 1-76, 9.1917 - 1919); Onetos (1913, 217, 8.1914 - 1919); Ontario (1907, 208, 8.1914 - 1919); Onward (1908, 266, 1-76, 12.1914 - 11.7.1916); Onyx, 5.1915- Onyx II (1913, 248, 5.1915 - 1919); Ophir, 2.1915- Ophir II (1906, 213, 8.1914 - 1919); Ophir, 2.1915- Ophir III (1903, 230, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Orcades (1911, 270, 8.1914 - 14.4.1916); Orianda (1913, 273, 9.1914 - 19.12.1914); Oriole, 12.1915- Oriole II (1907, 172, 10.1914 - 1919); Orizaba (1908, 233, 12.1914 - 1919); Orlando (1907, 276, 8.1914 - 14.3.1915); Ormonde, 11.1917- Ormonde II (1906, 250, 8.1914 - 1919); Oropesa, 6.1915- Oropesa II (1914, 324, 11.1914 - 1919); Orphesia (1907, 273, 12.1914 - 22.7.1917); Orpheus, 12.1915- Orpheus II (1905, 228, 8.1914 - 1919); Orsino (1906, 172, 9.1914 - 28.9.1916); Orthos (1913, 218, 8.1914 - 9.4.1917); Orvicto (1916, 226, 9.1916 - 1919); Ospray II (1911, 295, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Osta (1915, 230, 5.1915 - 1920); Ostrich, 10.1915- Ostrich II (1903, 244, 9.1915 - 1920); Oswaldian (1917, 261, 1-76, 9.1917 - 1919); Othello (1907, 201, 9.1914 - 1919); Othello II (1907, 206, 3.1915 - 31.10.1915); Othonna (1899, 180, 1-76, 1.1915 - 20.4.1917); Ottilie (1914, 226, 5.1915 - 1919); Ouse (1900, 167, 2.1916 - 1919); Owl, 2.1915- Owl II (1904, 169, 10.1914 - 1919); Oxwich Castle (1907, 252, 1.1915 - 1919); Oyama (1908, 257, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Oystermouth Castle (1914, 283, 3.1917 - 1919); P. Fannon (1915, 211, 7.1915 - 1919); Parkmore (1915, 199, 10.1915 - 1919); Parramatta (1891, 168, 12.1914 - 9.1915); Parthian, 12.1915- Parthian II (1911, 202, 8.1914 - 1919); Passing (1913, 459, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1920); Pavlova (1912, 342, 8.1914 - 1919); Pearl (1899, 198, 11.1914 - 1919); Pearl, 2.1915- Pearl II (1913, 289, 11.1914 - 1919); Peary (1913, 289, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Pegas (ex-Pegasus) (1917, 219, 1-76, 12.1917 - 1920); Peggy Nutten (1907, 193, 4.1915 - 1919); Peken (1908, 228, 8.1914 - 1919); Pelagos (1916, 231, 7.1916 - 1919); Pelican I (1908, 248, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Pelican II (1905, 205, 1-76, 7.1916 - 1920); Penguin (1902, 190, 11.1914 - 1919); Pennard Castle (1907, 259, 9.1914 - 1919); Penrice Castle (1913, 255, 6.1915 - 1919); Peridot (1894, 214, 12.1914 - 1.1915); Perihelion (1914, 215, 9.1914 - 1920); Persian Empire (1899, 195, 12.1914 - 1919); Persimon (1911, 255, 8.1914 - 1.1915); Peterborough (1897, 161, 10.1914 - 1919); Petrel (1893, 151, 8.1914 - 11.1914); Petunia, 12.1915- Petunia II (1899, 180, 1.1915 - 1919); Phoebe, 12.1915- Phoebe II (1906, 178, 9.1914 - 1919); Phrontis (1911, 288, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Phyllis Belman (1915, 211, 6.1915 - 1919); Picton Castle (1911, 245, 5.1915 - 19.2.1917); Pigeon, 12.1915- Pigeon II (1897, 166, 11.1914 - 1919); Pintail (1908, 199, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Pitfour (1916, 227, 10.1916 - 1919); Pitstruan (1913, 206, 8.1914 - 13.4.1917); Plethos (1913, 210, 1-76, 9.1914 - 23.4.1918); Plym (1904, 193, 3.1917 - 1919); Pointer (1906, 198, 3.1915 - 1919); Pointz Castle (1914, 283, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Polar Prince (1915, 194, 9.1915 - 1919); Pomona (1899, 161, 1-76, 10.1914 - 12.1918); Poonah (1903, 171, 11.1914 - 18.8.1915); Portsmouth (1903, 178, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Powis Castle (1916, 275, 12.1916 - 1919); Prefect (1916, 302, 1-102/40, 1-76, 3.1916 - 1919); Premier (1908, 253, 9.1914 - 1919); President, 2.1915- Presidency (1907, 257, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Pretoria (1902, 180, 10.1914 - 1920); Pretoria, 5.1915- Pretoria II (1905, 283, 3.1915 - 9.1915); Prince Leo (1913, 218, 5.1915 - 1919); Prince Palatine (1914, 256, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Prince Victor (1910, 207, 4.1915 - 1919); Princeps (1911, 264, 8.1914 - 1919); Princess Alice (1914, 225, 4.1915 - 3.1918); Princess Beatrice (1912, 214, 8.1914 - 5.10.1914); Princess Juliana (ex-Lord Curzon) (1905, 266, 11.1914 - 1919); Princess Louise, 3.1915- Princess Louise II (1905, 289, 2.1915 - 1919); Princess Marie Jose (1915, 274, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Princess Mary (1914, 225, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Princess Melton (1901, 224, 8.1914 - 1919); Princess Ilga (1916, 245, 4.1917 - 14.6.1918); Princess Royal, 2.1915- Princess Royal II (1913, 213, 9.1914 - 1919); Princess Victoria (1903, 272, 9.1915 - 7.11.1915); Princess Victoria (1916, 245, 1.1917 - 1919); Procyon (ex-Strathmartin) (1903, 195, 6.1915 - 1919); Puffin (1907, 199, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Quail, 2.1915- Quail II (1897, 162, 11.1914 - 23.6.1915); Queen, 2.1915- Queen II, 6.1917- Quest (1900, 161, 11.1914 - 1920); Quercia (1912, 288, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Quickly (ex-Swift) (1897, 242, 2-76, 10.1914 - 1919); R. H. Davison (1916, 210, 7.1916 - 1919); R. Irvin (1913, 208, 8.1914 - 1919); R. R. S. (1913, 159, 9.1914 - 1919); Raetia (1912, 295, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Raglan Castle (1915, 274, 1-76, 11.1915 - 1919); Rainbow (1906, 176, 4.1915 - 1919); Raindrop (1912, 167, 9.1914 - 1919); Rajah (1899, 172, 11.1914 - 9.1918); Ralco (1912, 228, 11.1914 - 12.1918); Rambler (1898, 162, 11.1915 - 1920); Ratapiko (1912, 247, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Rattray (1900, 182, 8.1914 - 8.1915); Raven, 2.1915- Raven II, 8.1915- Raven III (1906, 172, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Raymont (1916, 226, 9.1916 - 1919); Recepto (1914, 245, 11.1914 - 16.2.1917); Recono (1916, 248, 3.1916 - 1920); Recordo (1910, 230, 2.1915 - 1920); Redcap (1907, 199, 11.1914 - 12.1915); Reeve (1905, 172, 11.1914 - 1919); Refundo (1917, 258, 7.1917 - 1919); Regal (1906, 212, 6.1915 - 1919); Regardo (1915, 248, 1-76, 12.1915 - 1919); Reindeer, 1.1915- Reindeer II (1902, 192, 11.1914 - 1920); Relevo (1912, 176, 1-76, 4.1915 - 30.12.1916); Reliance, 2.1915- Reliance II (1904, 203, 12.1914 - 1919); Relonzo (1914, 245, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1920); Remagio (1913, 174, 5.1915 - 1919); Remarko (1914, 245, 5.1915 - 3.12.1916); Remexo (1912, 231, 1-102/40, 2.1915 - 1920); Remindo (1917, 258, 1-76, 9.1917 - 2.2.1918); Remo (1900, 169, 1.1915 - 1920); Renarro (1913, 230), 2.1915 - 11.1918); Renco (1910, 230, 2.1915 - 1919); Renzo (1913, 230, 11.1914 - 1919); Reperio (1907, 230, 1.1915 - 12.1918); Reporto (1908, 230, 2.1915 - 1919); Repro (1910, 230, 1-76, 2.1915 - 26.4.1917); Resercho (1917, 258, 1-76, 1.1918 - 1919); Resmilo (1917, 258, 1-76, 3.1917 - 1920); Resolvo (1913, 231, 2.1915 - 1920); Resono (1910, 230, 1.1915 - 26.12.1915); Resparko (1916, 248, 1-76, 9.1916 - 1919); Responso (1912, 228, 1.1914 - 31.12.1915); Restless (1891, 125, 1.1915 - 12.1915); Restrivo (1914, 245, 11.1914 - 1919); Retako (1914, 245, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Retrudo (1913, 178, 4.1915 - 1920); Returno (1914, 245, 3.1915 - 1919); Revello (1908, 230, 11.1914 - 1919); Revesby (1898, 194, 11.1916 - 1919); Rhodesia (1899, 155, 1.1915 - 19.4.1915); Rhone (1898, 117, 12.1914 - 7.1918); Rialto (1897, 139, 1.1915 - 1919); Riano (1906, 212, 11.1914 - 1919); Ribble (1904, 193, 1.1918 - 1919); Ribble II (1900, 197, 2.1915 - 1919); Riby (1910, 214, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); Richmond Castle (ex-Loch Leven) (1901, 178, 8.1914 - 1919); Rigoletto (1906, 212, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Rilette (1917, 212, 1-76, 5.1917 - 1919); Rinaldo, 2.1915- Rinaldo II (1900, 166, 11.1914 - 1920); Rinto (1900, 169, 11.1914 - 1919); Riparvo (1913, 230, 3.1915 - 2.11.1918); Riskato (1916, 248, 5.1916 - 1919); Ristango (1913, 178, 11.1914 - 1919); Riviere (1916, 226, 5.1916 - 1919); Robert Hastie (1912, 210, 11.1914 - 1919); Robert Smith (1915, 211, 1-76, 7.1915 - 20.7.1917); Robin, 2.1915- Robin II (1904, 169, 10.1914 - 1919); Roche Castle (1910, 241, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Rochester (1898, 165, 10.1914 - 1919); Rodino (1913, 230, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1920); Rodney, 3.1917- Rodney III (1906, 246, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Rodosto (1913, 174, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1920); Rolando (1896, 120, 1.1915 - 1919); Rolulu (1909, 170, 4.1915 - 27.5.1915); Roman Empire (1893, 182, 4.1915 - 1919); Romilly (1905, 214, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Romulus (1885, 159, 10.1915 - 1919); Rondo (1893, 117, 11.1914 - 3.3.1915); Rononia (1913, 213, 6.1915 - 1919); Ronso (1915, 248, 1.1916 - 1920); Rosa (1904, 242, 1.1915 - 1919); Rosalind, 12.1915- Rosalind II (1906, 174, 10.1915 - 1919); Rose, 2.1915- Rose II (1907, 213, 12.1914 - 23.4.1917); Rose, 5.1915- Rose IV (1911, 218, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Rose of England (1909, 223, 1.1915 - 1919); Rosetta (1907, 236, 4.1915 - 1919); Rosskeen (1907, 196, 1-102/40, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Rosy Morn (1914, 181, 5.1915 - 13.1.1916); Roto (1904, 170, 1.1915 - 1920); Rowsay (1912, 207, 2.1917 - 1919); Rowsley (1912, 213, 4.1915 - 1919); Roxano (1907, 228, 12.1914 - 1920); Royallieu (1907, 211, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Royalo (1916, 248, 8.1916 - 1919); Ruby (1899, 198, 7.1915 - 24.11.1915); Ruby (1916, 251, 1-76, 9.1916 - 17.10.1917); Ruff (1904, 169, 11.1914 - 1919); Rugby, 11.1917- Rugby II (1916, 274, 11.1916 - 1919); Rupert (1892, 114, 11.1914 - 6.1915); Russell II (1906, 246, 5.1915 - 1920); Ruthin Castle (1916, 275, 12.1916 - 21.4.1917); Sabreur (1916, 188, 9.1916 - 1919); St. Agnes No.1 (1908, 205, 8.1914 - 1919); St. Clair (1904, 255, 8.1915 - 1919); St. Cuthbert (1916, 311, 1-76, 4.1916 - 1919); St. Cyr (1916, 315, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); St. Denis (1915, 294, 1-76, 2.1917 - 1920); St. Elmo (1914, 314, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); St. Germain (ex-Golden City) (1907, 307, 2.1915 - 1919); St. Hubert (1916, 349, 1-76, 9.1916 - 1919); St. Ives (1909, 325, 3.1915 - 21.12.1916); St. Johns (1910, 208, 10.1915 - 3.6.1918); St. Lawrence (1899, 196, 10.1914 - 11.1914); St. Leonard (1912, 296, 2.1915 - 1919); St. Leonard No.1 (1913, 210, 8.1914 - 1919); St. Louis (1900, 233, 12.1914 - 1919); St. Malo (1911, 335, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); St. Maurice (1903, 251, 9.1914 - 1920); St. Vincent, 2.1915- St. Vincent II (1907, 136, 1-76, 10.1914 - 1919); Salome (1908, 252, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Salvini (1916, 228, 6.1916 - 1919); Samurai (1914, 221, 8.1915 - 1920); Sandringham (1905, 179, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Sanserit (1916, 212, 2.1917 - 1919); Sanson (1907, 231, 9.1915 - 1919); Sapler (ex-Sapphire) (1917, 262, 1-76, 12.1917 - 1919); Sapphire, 2.1915- Sapphire III (1903, 156, 8.1914 - 11.1918); Sarah Alice (1911, 299, 8.1914 - 26.9.1916); Sarba (1913, 315, 1-76, 11.1914 - 1919); Sardius (1892, 213, 1-76, 12.1914 - 11.1918); Sardius, 8.1915- Sardius II (1900, 206, 6.1915 - 13.2.1918); Sargon (1913, 297, 12.1914 - 1919); Sarpedon, 3.1917- Sarpedon II (1916, 344, 1-76, 1.1917 - 1919); Sarrail (1917, 255, 1-76, 7.1917 - 1919); Sasebo (1913, 255, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); Saturn (1916, 230, 9.1916 - 1919); Saurian (1916, 219, 1-76, 7.1916 - 1919); Savitri (1917, 212, 6.1917 - 1919); Saxon (1907, 239, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Saxon II (1894, 119, 1.1915 - 10.1918); Saxon Prince (1907, 237, 8.1914 - 3.1916); Scarborough (1897, 161, 10.1914 - 1919); Scarron (1913, 296, 1-76, 9.1915 - 1919); Schiehallion (1903, 198, 8.1914 - 9.6.1915); Schiehallion (1916, 225, 12.1916 - 1919); Schipperke (1911, 331, 1-76, 9.1915 - 1919); Scomber (1914, 321, 12.1914 - 1919); Scooper (ex-Kastoria) (1900, 195, 7.1915 - 1919); Scot (1907, 202, 5.1915 - 1919); Scott (1913, 288, 4.1915 - 22.10.1915); Scottish Belle (1890, 145, 6.1915 - 1919); Scouter (ex-Moravia) (1900, 195, 7.1915 - 1919); Sea King (1916, 321, 1-76, 1.1917 - 1919); Sea Lion (1902, 231, 8.1914 - 1919); Sea Monarch (1915, 329, 1-76, 2.1916 - 1919); Sea Ranger (1914, 253, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Sea Searcher (1914, 263, 3.1915 - 1919); Sea Sweeper (1915, 329, 1-76, 1.1916 - 1919); Sealark (ex-Sea Lark), 2.1915- Sealark II (1898, 182, 1.1915 - 30.9.1918); Seaward Ho, 5.1918- Attentive III (1915, 331, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Seddon (1916, 298, 11.1916 - 1919); Semiramis (1907, 246, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Semnos (1914, 216, 3.1915 - 1920); Senator (1905, 211, 8.1914 - 21.5.1917); Serfib (1917, 210, 4.1917 - 1919); Seriema (1909, 270, 6.1916 - 1919); Sesostris (1916, 293, 1-76, 5.1916 - 1919); Sethon (1916, 295, 10.1916 - 1919); Setter, 12.1915- Setter II (1899, 171, 12.1914 - 7.1918); Settsu (1912, 231, 10.1914 - 1919); Shackleton (1913, 288, 5.1915 - 1920); Shama (1918, 191, 1-76, 4.1918 - 1919); Shandwick (1912, 166, 9.1914 - 1919); Sheldon (1912, 288, 3.1915 - 1919); Shelomi (1912, 175, 11.1914 - 1919); Sheraton (1907, 283, 6.1916 - 1919); Shikari, 2.1918- Shikari II (1914, 221, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Sialkot (1912, 308, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Sicyon 91906, 283, 9.1914 - 1919); Sidmouth (1906, 220, 8.1914 - 1919); Silanion (1903, 199, 2.1915 - 1919); Silicia (1913, 250, 9.1914 - 1919); Simerson (1913, 248, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Simpson (1917, 260, 5.1917 - 1919); Sir James Reckitt (1909, 324, 1-76, 9.1915 - 1919); Sir John French (1914, 351, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Sir Mark Sykes (1914, 307, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Sisters Melville (1915, 260, 11.1915 - 13.2.1917); Sitvel (ex-Velia) (1914, 290, 1-76, 12.1914 - 1919); Slasher (ex-Sethon) (1900, 195, 7.1915 - 1919); Slebech (1908, 222, 5.1915 - 1919); Smew (ex-Atlanta) (1907, 223, 1.1915 - 1919); Snipe (1897, 166, 11.1914 - 1920); Soar (1915, 219, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Soldier Prince (1900, 156, 8.1914 - 1920); Solon (1912, 295, 8.1914 - 1919); Sophos (1914, 217, 3.1915 - 1919); Sophron (1903, 195, 12.1914 - 22.8.1917); Speedwell, 2.1915- Speedwell II (1899, 273, 2-76, 11.1914 - 7.1918); Speeton (1913, 205, 10.1915 - 31.12.1915); Spider (1906, 271, 1-76, 4.1915 - 1919); Springwell (1917, 286, 1-76, 5.1917 - 1919); Stalker (ex-Jeria) (1899, 197, 7.1915 - 1919); Stalwart, 2.1918- Stalwart II (1914, 333, 1-76, 3.1917 - 1919); Stanley Weyman (1913, 288, 1-76, 1.1915 - 1919); Star of Britain (1908, 228, 9.1914 - 1920); Star of Freedom (1911, 258, 1.1915 - 19.4.1917); Star of Peace (1915, 220, 11.1915 - 1919); Star of the East (1912, 218, 8.1914 - 1919); Star of the Empire (1912, 219, 8.1914 - 1919); Star of the Isles (1912, 217, 8.1914 - 1919); Star of the North (1903, 192, 9.1914 - 1919); Star of the Ocean (1903, 203, 6.1915 - 1919); Star of the Wave (1904, 205, 9.1914 - 1919); Staunton (1908, 283, 11.1914 - 1920); Stewart Boyle (1911, 197, 10.1914 - 1920); Stornoway (1910, 208, 6.1915 - 1919); Strathafton (1913, 209, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathairlie (1905, 193, 2.1915 - 1919); Strathalladale (1908, 199, 2.1915 - 1919); Strathalva (1917, 215, 2.1917 - 1919); Strathatholl (1912, 209, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathavon (1906, 202, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathblane (1901, 186, 6.1915 - 1919); Strathbran (1915, 212, 2.1916 - 1919); Strathcarron (1913, 209, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathclova (1913, 210, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathclunie (1913, 211, 4.1915 - 1919); Strathcoe, 1923- Vernon, 1938- Strathcoe (1916, 215, 1.1917 - 4.1946); Strathdee (1906, 193, 3.1915 - 1919); Strathderry (1911, 193, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathdevon (1915, 212, 11.1915 - 1919); Strathebrie (1914, 210, 6.1915 - 1919); Stratheden (1906, 201, 3.1915 - 1919); Strathella (1913, 210, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathelliot (1915, 211, 3.1915 - 1919); Stratherrick (1906, 201, 11.1914 - 1920); Strathfinella (1911, 192, 1-76, 9.1914 - 1919); Strathgairn (1915, 211, 3.1915 - 1919); Strathgarry (1906, 202, 6.1915 - 6.7.1915); Strathgeldie (1911, 192, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathisla (1906, 193, 5.1917 - 1919); Strathlee (1917, 215, 5.1917 - 1920); Strathlethen (1911, 192, 6.1915 - 1919); Strathlochy (1916, 221, 1.1916 - 1919); Strathlossie (1910, 193, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathlui (1908, 199, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathmaree (1914, 210, 6.1915 - 1920); Strathmartin (1914, 210, 4.1915 - 1919); Strathmoray (1912, 209, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathnethy (1913, 211, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathord (1906, 195, 8.1914 - 1919); Strathrannoch (1917, 215, 1.1917 - 6.4.1917); Strathrye (1916, 212, 1-76, 1.1916 - 1919); Strathspey (1906, 202, 2.1915 - 1919); Strathtummel (1911, 210, 9.1914 - 1919); Strathugie (1914, 210, 4.1915 - 1919); Strathurie (1911, 210, 9.1914 - 1919); Strephon (1913, 250, 1-76, 3.1915 - 1919); Stronsay (1911, 207, 9.1915 - 1919); Strymon (1899, 193, 1-76, 8.1915 - 27.10.1917); Succession (1916, 212, 9.1916 - 1919); Sulby (1909, 287, 8.1914 - 1919); Suncloud (1912, 213, 9.1914 - 1919); Susarion (1917, 260, 1-76, 2.1917 - 1919); Swallow (1897, 243, 10.1914 - 29.3.1918); Swallow, 12.1914- Swallow II (1906, 204, 8.1914 - 1919); Swan, 2.1915- Swan II (1909, 239, 12.1914 - 1919); Swan, 12.1915- Swan III (1907, 270, 8.1914 - 1919); Sweeper (1913, 395, 8.1914 - 1919); Sylvia (1898, 213, 6.1915 - 8.1918); Syringa, 3.1917- Syringa II (1905, 243, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); T. R. Ferens (1913, 307, 1-76, 5.1915 - 1919); Tacsonia (1905, 243, 1.1915 - 1919); Tagalie (1912, 210, 9.1914 - 1919); Taipo (1914, 247, 1-76, 5.1915 - 24.6.1917); Tally Ho (1900, 216, 10.1915 - 1919); Tamura (1917, 268, 6.1917 - 1919); Tanager (1910, 192, 11.1914 - 1919); Tanjore (1903, 163, 10.1914 - 1919); Taranaki (1912, 247, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Tartan (1912, 202, 4.1915 - 1919); Teal (1897, 165, 11.1914 - 1.1917); Tenby (1913, 215, 1-76, 6.1915 - 1919); Tenby Castle (1908, 256, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Tern (1907, 199, 10.1914 - 23.2.1915); Terrier (1905, 179, 1-76, 8.1914 - 1919); Tervani (1914, 457, 2-76, 5.1915 - 5.12.1916); Tettenhall (1905, 227, 6.1915 - 23.5.1917); Teuton, 6.1918- FT Angolian (1898, 141, 1.1915 - 1.1918); Thanet (1902, 172, 9.1915 - 1919); The Banyers (1914, 448, 12.1914 - 6.1.1915); The Norman (1908, 225, 5.1915 - 1919); The Roman (1909, 224, 11.1914 - 1919); The Tetrarch (1913, 225, 8.1914 - 1919); Theban (1913, 202, 9.1914 - 12.1918); Theresa Boyle (1915, 224, 9.1915 - 1919); Thistle (1901, 158, 9.1914 - 12.1914); Thistle (1904, 178, 10.1915 - 1919); Thistle, 4.1916- Thistle IV (1906, 228, 2.1915 - 1919); Thomas Stratten (1914, 309, 1-76, 3.1917 - 20.10.1917); Thomas Sutton (1916, 211, 5.1916 - 1919); Thomas W. Irvin (1911, 201, 8.1914 - 27.8.1914); Thomas W. Irvin (1916, 209, 2.1916 - 1919); Thomas Young (1914, 194, 1-76, 2.1915 - 1919); Thornton (1905, 225, 5.1915 - 1919); Thrush, 2.1915- Thrush II (1902, 166, 11.1914 - 1920); Thunderstone (1913, 225, 4.1915 - 1919); Thuringia (1913, 297, 4.1915 - 11.11.1917); Tina Nutten (1911, 187, 4.1915 - 1919); Tokio (1907, 295, 8.1914 - 12.12.1917);

Project history

yachts hired for patrol and examination service.



Naval service

Format of date including day/month/year means loss of the vessel. Format of date containing month/year means return to owner or conversion to miscellaneous vessel. Aegusa was mined 28.4.1916 near Malta.