(ex-Maretanza) (1897, 310, 4.1901 - 11.1920); Argus, 1.1917-
Argon (1904, 380, 1905 - 2.1920); Squirrel (1904, 230,
1905 - 1914); Watchful (1911, 612, 1911 - 5.1920); Safeguard
(1914, 875, 1914 - 2.1920)
Fishery cruisers for special service
(1898, 174), Freya (1904, 280), Goldseeker (1900, 206), Minna (1900,
281), Norna (1909, 457)
merchant vessels converted to armed boarding steamers. They were employed on examination duties at sea for the purpose of enforcing the naval blockade.
Format of date including day/month/year means loss of the vessel. Format of date containing month/year means return to owner or conversion to miscellaneous vessel.