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No41 armoured motor gunboats (project 1124) (1936 - 1946)




Names Builders Commissioned Losses Transfers Discarding

№11 [No11], 2.1944- БК-11 [BK-11]

№11 [No11], 6.1942- №41 [No41], 8.1942- №51 [No51], 11.1942- №31 [No31]

№12 [No12], 2.1944- БК-12 [BK-12]

№12 [No12], 6.1942- №42 [No42], 8.1942- №52 [No52], 11.1942- №72 [No72]

№13 [No13], 2.1944- БК-13 [BK-13]

№14 [No14], 2.1944- БК-14 [BK-14]

№14 [No14], 6.1943- №114 [No114]

№15 [No15], 2.1944- БК-15 [BK-15]

№15 [No15], 6.1943- №121 [No121], 3.1944- БК-121 [BK-121]

№16 [No16], 6.1943- №122 [No122]

№21 [No21], 2.1944- БК-21 [BK-21]

№21 [No21], 6.1942- №43 [No43], 8.1942- №53 [No53], 11.1942- №32 [No32], 2.1944- БК-32 [BK-32]

№22 [No22], 2.1944- БК-22 [BK-22]

№23 [No23], 6.1942- №44 [No44], 8.1942- №54 [No54], 11.1942- №33 [No33], 3.1944- БК-33 [BK-33]

№23 - 25 [No23 - 25], 2.1944- БК-23 - 25 [BK-23 - 25]

№31 [No31], 8.1942- №32 [No32], 9.1942- №111 [No111], 11.1942- №73 [No73]

№32 [No32], 8.1942- №33 [No33], 9.1942- №112 [No112], 11.1942- №75 [No75], 3.1944- БК-75 [BK-75]

№41 [No41], 2.1944- БК-41 [BK-41]

№41 Капитан 3 ранга Лысенко [No41 Kapitan 3 ranga Lysenko], 9.1942- №91 Капитан 3 ранга Лысенко [No91 Kapitan 3 ranga Lysenko], 2.1943- №213 Капитан 3 ранга Лысенко [No213 Kapitan 3 ranga Lysenko], 3.1944- БК-215 Капитан 3 ранга Лысенко [BK-215 Kapitan 3 ranga Lysenko]

№42 [No42], 2.1944- БК-42 [BK-42]

№42 За Сталинград [No42 Za Stalingrad], 9.1942- №92 За Сталинград [No92 Za Stalingrad], 2.1943- №214 За Сталинград [No214 Za Stalingrad]

№43 [No43], 2.1944- БК-43 [BK-43]

№43 [No43], 9.1942- №64 [No64], 2.1943- №221 [No221], 3.1944- БК-221 [BK-221]

№44 - 46 [No44 - 46], 2.1944- БК-44 - 46 [BK-44 - 46]

№51 - 55 [No51 - 55], 2.1944- БК-51 - 55 [BK-51 - 55]

№61 [No61], 2.1944- БК-61 [BK-61]

№61 [No61], 4.1942- №11 [No11], 8.1942- №31 [No31], 9.1942- №113 [No113], 11.1942- №71 [No71], 3.1944- БК-71 [BK-71]

№62 - 66 [No62 - 66], 2.1944- БК-62 - 66 [BK-62 - 66]

№67 [No67], 10.1938- №56 [No56], 2.1944- БК-56 [BK-56]

№97 [No97]

№98 [No98]

№99 [No99], 12.1944- БК-99 [BK-99]

№100 [No100], 12.1944- БК-100 [BK-100]

№101 [No101], 2.1944- БК-101 [BK-101]

№101 [No101], 9.1942- №11 [No11], 6.1943- №111 [No111], 3.1944- БК-111 [BK-111]

№102 [No102], 2.1944- БК-102 [BK-102]

№103 [No103], 9.1942- №13 [No13], 6.1943- №113 [No113]

№211 [No211], 3.1944- БК-211 [BK-211]

№212 [No212], 3.1944- БК-212 [BK-212]

№314 [No314], 3.1944- БК-314 [BK-314]

№324 [No324], 3.1944- БК-324 [BK-324]

№411 [No411], 3.1944- БК-411 [BK-411]

№412 [No412], 3.1944- БК-412 [BK-412]

№413 Мститель [No413 Mstitel], 3.1944- БК-413 Мститель [BK-413 Mstitel]

№414 [No414]

№421 [No421]

№423 [No423], 3.1944- БК-423 [BK-423]

№424 [No424], 3.1944- БК-424 [BK-424]

№431 - 434 [No431 - 434], 3.1944- БК-431 - 434 [BK-431 - 434]

БК-20 [BK-20]

БК-47 [BK-47]

БК-48 [BK-48]

БК-67 [BK-67]

БК-103 [BK-103]

БК-115 [BK-115]

БК-154 [BK-154]

БК-158 - 160 [BK-158 - 160]

БК-161 Речник Кубани [BK-161 Rechnik Kubani]

БК-162 Ейский Патриот BK-162 Eyskiy Oatriot]

БК-163 Саратовский Патриот [BK-163 Saratovskiy Patriot]

БК-164 Болградец [BK-164 Bolgradets]

БК-165 Измаилец [BK-165 Izmailets]

БК-308 Трудящийся Татарии [BK-308 Trudyashchiysya Tatarii]

БК-309 [BK-309]

БК-310 [BK-310]

БК-318 - 320 [BK-318 - 320]

БК-335 - 339 [BK-335 - 339]

БК-343 [BK-343]

БК-344 [BK-344]

БК-346 [BK-346]

БК-422 Сталинец [BK-422 Stalinets]

БК-435 [BK-435]

БК-436 [BK-436], 8.1949- БК-436 Герой Советского Союза Голубец [BK-436 Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza Golubets]

БК-437 [BK-437]

340 Yd, Zelenodolsk: No11(i), 11(ii), 12(i), 12(ii), 13, 14(i), 15(i), 21(i), 21(ii), 22(i), 22(ii), 23 - 25, 31, 32, 41(i), 42(i), 43(i), 44 - 46, 51 - 55, 61(i), 61(ii), 62(i), 62(ii), 63 - 66, 67, 211, 212, 411, 412, 423, 424, 431 - 434, BK-20, 47, 48, 67, 154, 158 - 160, BK-308 Trudyashchiysya Tatarii, BK-309, 310, BK-422 Stalinets

264 Yd, Stalingrad: No41(ii) Kapitan 3 ranga Lysenko, 42(ii) Za Stalingrad, 43(ii)

363 Yd, Leningrad: No97 - 100, 101(i), 102(i), BK-103

638 Yd, Astrakhan: No14(ii), 15(ii), 16, 101(ii), 102(ii), 103, 314, 324, 413 Mstitel, 414, BK-115, BK-161 Rechnik Kubani, BK-162 Eyskiy Patriot, BK-163 Saratovskiy Patriot, BK-164 Bolgradets, BK-165 Izmailets, BK-318 - 320, 335 - 339, 343, 435, BK-436 Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza Golubets, BK-437

Ship Repair Yd, Novosibirsk: BK-344, 346

1936: No12(i), 14(i), 41(i), 42(i), 43(i), 44 - 46, 51 - 54, 61(i), 62(i), 63 - 67

1937: No11(i), 13, 24, 55

1938: No15(i), 21(i), 22(i), 23, 25

1941: No11(ii), 12(ii), 21(ii), 22(ii), 31, 32, 61(ii), 62(ii), 97 - 100, 101(i), 102(i)

1942: No14(ii), 15(ii), 16, 101(ii), 102(ii), 103

1943: No41(ii) Kapitan 3 ranga Lysenko, 42(ii) Za Stalingrad, 43(ii), 211, 212, 314, 324, 411, 412, 413 Mstitel, 414, 421, 423, 424, 431 - 434, BK-335 - 338

1944: BK-20, 47, 103, 115, 154, 158 - 160, BK-161 Rechnik Kubani, BK-162 Eyskiy Patriot, BK-163 Saratovskiy Patriot, BK-164 Bolgradets, BK-165 Izmailets, BK-308 Trudyashchiysya Tatarii, BK-309, 310, 318 - 320, 339, 343, BK-422 Stalinets, BK-435, 437

1945: BK-48, 67, 436

1946: BK-344, 346

No31 (13.11.1943), No72 (19.10.1943), No114 (31.10.1943), No122 (30.8.1943), No73 (1944), No214 Za Stalingrad (2.11.1943), No97 (30.8.1941), No98 (25.7.1941), BK-112 (26.8.1944), No113 (20.9.1943), BK-413 (10.5.1944), No414 (2.11.1943), No421 (7.11.1943), BK-424 (16.10.1944), BK-161 Rechnik Kubani (5.4.1945), BK-338 (9.12.1944)

Bulgaria, 1951: BK-344, 346

1949/60: BK-11 - 15, 20 - 25, 41 - 48, 51 - 56, 61 - 67, 75, 99 - 103, 158 - 160, 165, 211, 212, 215, 308 - 310, 318 - 320, 324, 336, 339, 343, 344, 411 - 412, 423, 432, 433, 435, 437

to Board Guard 1945: BK-111, 121, 339

1949: BK-32, 33

1956: BK-221, 337

1957: BK-115, 154, 314, 335, 422, 434

1958: BK-71

1960: BK-161, 162, 431, 436

Technical data

Displacement standard, t


boats completed from 1940: 39

later boats: 44

Displacement full, t


boats completed from 1940: 44

later boats: 48 - 52

Length, m


Breadth, m


later boats: 4.04

Draught, m


later boats: 0.85 - 0.90

No of shafts



2 GAM-34BS petrol engines

Power, h. p.


Max speed, kts


later boats: 18

Fuel, t

petrol 4.2

Endurance, nm(kts)280(13.5)
Armour, mm

belt: 7, deck: 4, turrets: 45 - 30, CT: 8


2 x 1 - 76/15 L-10, 1 x 2 - 12.7/79 or 1 x 1 - 12.7/79 or 1 x 2 - 7.6/94, 2 x 1 - 7.6/94

boats completed since 1940: 2 x 1 - 76/40 F-34 (most) or 2 x 1 - 76/22 L-11 (few), 1 x 2 - 12.7/90 or 1 x 2 - 12.7/79 or 1 x 1 - 12.7/79, 2 x 1 - 7.6/94

some boats completed in 1940 - 1942: 2 x 1 - 76/28 8K, 1 x 2 - 12.7/79 or 1 x 1 - 12.7/79 or 1 x 2 - 7.6/94

some boats completed since 1942: 1 x 1 - 76/40 F-34 or 1 x 1 - 76/22 L-11 or 1 x 1 - 76/28 8K, 1 x 16 - 132 M-13 RL or 1 x 24 - 82 M-8 RL, 1 x 2 - 12.7/79 or 1 x 1 - 12.7/79, (0 - 1) x 1 - 7.6/94

boats completed since 1945: 2 x 1 - 76/40 F-34, 1 x 1 - 37/63 70K, 1 x 2 - 12.7/79, 2 x 1 - 7.6/94

1946: 2 x 1 - 76/42 F-34, 1 x 1 - 37/73 70K, 1 x 2 - 12.7/79, 2 x 1 - 7.6/94



Standard scale images

<i>BK-101</i> 1944
BK-101 1944
<i>BK-318</i> 1944
BK-318 1944



Project history

Designed in 1934 under guidance of Yu. Yu. Benua. In 1936 the lead boat passed trials and mass production started. Boats were intended for service on Amur, but were used on various theatres, both rivers, and seas. They had armoured citadel and deck house; machinery consisted of two aviation motors. Boats were armed by two turrets from T-28 or BT-7A tanks. The AA armament under the design included a cupola with twin 12.7mm MG, but because of low rates of issuance of the latter considerable part of boats was armed by 1 single 12.7mm or 1 twin 7.62mm MGs instead.     Since 1940 as standard armament turrets from T-34 tank with regular 76mm/41.5 guns (part of boats received turrets with 76mm/24 guns) were accepted. Displacement has thus increased to 38.6/43.8t. At expense of improved motors endurance grown to 365nm. However in 1940-1942 in connection with cessation of issuance of T-28 tank turrets and deficiency of T-34 tank turrets part of boats was armed by 2 76mm/30 Lender AA guns. Since 1942 some boats instead of aft turret received 1 24-rail 82mm rocket launcher or 1 16-rail 132mm rocket launcher. Subsequently for deck wetness reduction wider clearing bar was established, the breadth thus increased to 3.96 m. Since 1945 serial boats additionally received 37mm MG. Total displacement of boats by the war end grown till 48-52t.

Ship protection

Hull and CT had bullet-proof protection, guns placed in standard tank turrets. 76/30mm 8K guns were on open mounts without shields.


many boats were re-armed by various schemes, mostly as presented in the table.

Naval service

No significant events.