Names | Builders | Completed | Losses | Transfers | Discarding |
S3 - 6 |
Miami SB, USA: S3 - 6 |
1942: S3 - 6 |
S3 (3/1942), S4 (3/1942), S5 (3/1942), S6 (3/1942) |
None |
None |
Displacement standard, t | 26 |
Displacement full, t | |
Length, m | 19.2 |
Breadth, m | 4.65 |
Draught, m | 1.17 |
No of shafts | 2 |
Machinery | 2 Hall Scot petrol engines |
Power, h. p. | 1260 |
Max speed, kts | 32 |
Fuel, t | petrol |
Endurance, nm(kts) | |
Armament | 4 x 1 - 12.7/62 |
Complement | 10 |
Patrol and guard boats which were a part of the Gouvernementmarine, type "P" were slow-speed, and type "S" were fast. Built on colonial wharfs under own projects, slightly improved from a series to a series.
All boats were lost or have been destroyed by crews during time of Japanese offensive.
Many thanks to Stanislav Zaplatin for correction of information on this page.